off to the beach

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Just as I finished getting ready and had allowed my member to shrink back to normal I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted down the stairs and I heard Chris open the door and step inside.

"You ready to go?" He shouted back up the stairs and I could hear his footsteps coming up towards me.

I grabbed my packed bags of clothes, food and tent and ran down to meet him.

"Come on let's go", I greeted him with a quick hug and gave him a quick up and down

He was dressed in some calvin Klein great sweatpants that showed off his large legs and butt with a red hoodie thrown over his torso and his hair was ruffled.

Chris never did well with early mornings and it was clear he was still a bit tired.

"Nice outfit you got there" I joked before running out to his jeep and throwing my bags in the back. "Come on, lets set off. I can't wait to be in that sea!"

Chris jumped in the right hand seat and began to drive.

I gave chris a wink and then lay back stretching my body out and squinting as the hot summer sun shone down on us, guiding our way to the sea.

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