Lil Wayne's Daughter (Sequel)

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Chapter 1- College Decisions 

"Kayleen, look this campus is nice" I shook my head, I didn't want to go to the University of Miami, I wanted to go to UCLA, but I don't think my mom would let me move across the country. 

"Yeah it's fine" I was 18,and it was August and I still hadn't found a college I liked, while I had.. 

"Kayleen get UCLA out of your head, it isn't happening" 

"Okay mom" Now wasn't the time to argue, Leahs little four year-old self was playing dolls right on the floor of the office. 

"You know you only want to go to UCLA to see Jacob" 

"Thats not true"

"Yes it is! and you need to get over him, you guys broke up probably a year ago"

"9 months mom, 9 months" Yeah, me and Jake broke up, it was really mutual though. We just didn't seem to be as close after I lost the baby. Its okay, we are still friends. I walk out of the room.

My dad was always flying out somewhere, and my mom and I hardly ever saw him anymore. I had a feeling he was cheating on her, but she was to nice to ever say anything to him about it. I hadn't seen him in a month or so, he would try to text me as much as he could, but I knew he was busy so I tried not to bother him. 

I looked around my room, the purple, green and blue was now gold, white, and black. My style had changed a lot since I was 15, even though it was only 3 years ago. 

I had graduated with honors a few months ago, and I applied to only a few colleges, and got accepted in to, UCF, UM, UCLA, UF, and NYU.3/5 of the colleges were in Florida, and my mom was only interested in those ones. I really liked the UCF and NYU. My mom wouldn't even look at the University of New York. I liked the school, but not enough to fight my mom about it. 

I saw my phone light up, it was Wayne.


"Kayleen! I'm coming home, tonight.. your mom said you need to pick a college.. She said you were being difficult" 

"She's the one being difficult, she only likes UM" 

"Miami is a good college, and its close to home"

"Yeah, but UCLA is better" I could hear him sigh.

"We will talk about this when I get home.. I'll be there by 7"

"Bye dad" I hung up the phone. I texted Jade telling her I was coming over. Yes, me and Jade as still best friends. I walked out to my gold and black Ferrari, my dad had given it to me for my sixteenth birthday. My favorite color was gold, if you couldn't already tell. 

I drove to Jade's apartment and walked in. Jade had gotten an apartment a while ago, I paid for it, because her dad was starting to hit her. 

"Kayleen!" Jade smiled and gave me a hug. 

"Hey Jade" I looked around the apartment. "I see you re-decorated.. again"

"Yeah, do you like the new kitchen stools?"

"Yeah, love them" I laugh. She was going to school for Interior Design, and that was defiantly the right career choice for her. She was going to University of Miami, which was just 'another reason why I needed to go there'. 

"So what's up?"

"Nothing.. I'm just mad at my mom.. you know? I'm 18, I can make my own choices.. I don't need to live that close to her." 

"You know she is just thinking about your own good, what if you get there and decide you don't like it?" 

"That won't happen Jade, you know that I would love it"

"I know, I'm just trying to get you to look at it another way" 

"Thanks Jade" She nodded.


"Kayleen? Where you at?" I looked at the clock 7. I forgot about my dad.. Shit. 

"I'm.. uh.. just on my way home dad, almost here"

"No your not, I can here it in your voice. Drive safely"

"Mmhmm" I hung up the phone and say goodbye to Jade. I drive the 15 minutes home and walk in the door. I see Wayne smiling in the kitchen, I hadn't seen him in a month, but I didn't miss him. I was mad at him. 

"Hi" I say shyly. 

"Get over here girl!" He stood up and opened his arms. I walk over and give him a hug. "It's good to see you, I think you've grown"

"I doubt it" I roll my eyes, I was so short, and I think he was just rubbing it in. 

"What are you? 5 foot?"

"5'2 thank you very much" I walked to the office where my mom is with Leah.

"Daddy!" She smiled and ran over to him.

"So, we need to get this narrowed down" My mom said very seriously."Im not letting you go to New York"  

"I'm not going to Miami"

"Well you aren't going to UCLA" She was being irrational!

"Why? It's my favorite college, it's my choice! I'm 18, you don't run my life anymore!"

"No Kayleen, you are going to hate it there, you don't know anyone"

"I have Uncle Ty, and Chris and Adrianna, they can check up on me. If I need help they can help me, plus dad is always flying out here"

"She has a point" 

"Your sure about this Kayleen? You can't change your mind"

"I'm positive" I smile, I had won.

"Okay.. I guess its okay"

I was now going to UCLA, the college of my dreams. 


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