Chapter 7 ~ The Break Up

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Chapter 7- The Break Up

"Kayleen? Where you at girl?" Lauren called through the dorm. 

"In here" I yelled from my bathroom, I was curling my hair. My family had left LA yesterday. My dad had made it pretty clear that he didn't like Michael, I didn't care though. Lauren walked in and she looked pretty bad. 

"I can't believe HE broke up with me!" She was in tears, which I couldn't understand since she wanted to break up with him. I just kept curling my hair. 

"Sorry Laur" I looked at her and she sat down next to me. 

"Its not fair you know? I guess you probably wouldn't know since you can get whatever guy you want" 

"Stop it Lauren, just stop" she was jealous, but I ignored it and blamed it on her just being heartbroken. 

"Will you get me something to drink?" I nodded and left the bathroom and walked to the small kitchen area, and mixed together orange juice and margarita mix. She would probably need a lot of these tonight, so I made a few and put them aside. 

I grabbed one and gave it to her, she drank it in one gulp and gave me back the plastic cup. 

"Okay Lauren, I have to go, I will see you later" 

"Okay.. have fun at class" I nodded and grabbed my backpack then I walked out the door and to my class. 

After my class I walked to the library, then I finished my homework for the week. It wasn't that hard, it only took me about an hour. I walked back to dorm 103 and saw Lauren watching ATL eating chocolate and popcorn. She was really taking this break up hard. I sighed and walked to my room. After changing into something more casual I walked back to the living room.

"Get up and get dressed, were going out" She stood up and weakly smiled, then walked to her bedroom. About 30 minutes later she was dressed and ready to go. I drove an hour to get to Santa Monica and we went to a beach party. I could see Lauren was having a good time, drinking and dancing. I just laughed at her and sat by myself, I missed Michael, I hadn't seen him since the night he met my parents, and I wanted to see him again. I was sitting in the sand watching the water when a familiar voice stopped all my thoughts.

"Kayleen?" I looked at Jacob standing above me and smiled.

"Hey" He smiled and sat down next to me. 

"Kayleen I haven't seen you forever! how have you been girl?" 

"Good, I'm going to school here at UCLA" 

"Sweet.. Its a great school" I nodded and watched him. It was like some of those feelings were coming back. 

"Well, you want to give me your number so we can hang out sometime?" I nodded and typed my number into his phone. As I scrolled through his contacts there was one that said 'Bae<33'.. but for some reason I wasn't made at all, or jealous. I had moved on, I had a boyfriend. 

"Thanks" He smiled and got off the sand.

"Yeah, text me sometime" I smiled and he nodded then walked away. 

To be honest, I didn't have the same feelings I had for him before. I still liked him, but as a friend - not a boyfriend. It took Michael for me to realize that. I got off the ground and went and found Lauren with a guy. I rolled my eyes then grabbed her.

"Kay-Kayleen i'm- i'm fine" Lauren slurred over her words and the guy she was sitting on laughed.

"Yeah, she's fine. I'll take care of her" 

"No thanks, she is drunk, she doesn't know what she wants" 

"Lets let her make that dicision, Lauren, you wanna come home with me baby?" He nodded and started kissing on him. 'hell no!' I thought to myself, but he was big, and I knew I couldn't fight him for her. I started contimlating whether or not I could leave her with him. I knew I shouldn't though.. Who knows what this guy does.. He could kill her tonight for all I know.. I walked back and shook my head. 

"No, she is coming with me" I grabbed her arm but he grabbed her waist.

"Why do you care? she likes me, she is going to come home with me" 

"No, I'm not letting my friend go home with some guy I've never even seen before" I yelled at him over the loud music. I felt someones breath on my back and turned around to see Michael standing there. 

"whats going on?" Michael asked to the guy who was now letting go of Lauren.

"uhh nothing.. nothing at all" 

"Thats what I thought" He told the guy while I grabbed Lauren and walked away. 

"Lauren? what the fuck"

"Sorry.. sor-sorry" I sighed, she was sooo drunk right now, she probably didn't evenknow where she was. 

"Yeah come on" I walked with her to my car. Then I put her in it, and put on her seatbelt. "I'll be right back Lauren, don't move" She nodded and I walked back into the party. I was going to go try to find Michael and tell him thanks. I found him sitting with a bunch of guys.

"Hey, thanks for helping me back there" he nodded, and I walked off. I drove back home and helped Lauren to her bed. It was about 5 in the morning when I finally went to sleep. 

~1 day later~

"Kayleen what happened" Lauren looked at the bruise on her arm.

"It was a long night" I had a horrible headache, not from drinking; from not sleeping. 

"I know that!" she had sunglasses on and her hair was all over the place, I was laughing at her. 

"Don't you have class Laur?" she sighed and nodded then she walked to her bathroom. I finished putting on my eyeliner and grabbed my backpack. I walked to my class and sat down. About half way through the class my phone buzzed.

Hey Kayleen.. its Jacob, wanna hang out tonight?


Michael is in multimedia.

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