Chapter 4 ~ The Party - Part 2

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Chapter 4- The Party - Part 2

"Kayleen.. wake up" I heard Lauren's voice from the bathroom, she was obviously vomiting.

"Where.. what.. umm what happened?"

"I don't know, but my head is really fucked up and I'm sick"

"your hungover" I laughed. My head hurt but I could deal with the pain.

"Whatever.. I don't even think I drank last night"

"Do you even remember last night Laur?"

"Yeah" she laughed, and I knew she was lying.

"Okay Lauren" I got up from my bed and took a shower, I didn't even know how I got home last night.

I got dressed in a trukfit tee shirt and some shorts. Just comfy clothes since I didn't have class today. I heard Lauren talking on the phone with someone and it made me think of my phone.. I searched my bed, dresser closet and even the bathroom and I couldn't find it anywhere.

"Lauren will you call my phone?" She dialed it and I didn't hear the ring, great. I took the phone from her and went to my car to look in there. About the third ring someone picked up.

"umm hello?" I had obviously woken the person up.

"Hi, you have my phone?"

"yeah you left it with me after you kissed me" I laughed, Michael.

"I don't remember that" I say into the phone.

"Well it was something like that"

"mmhmm, well where do you live I need to get it as soon as possible"

"slow down ma, you shouldn't be offering to drive to a guy's house that you have hardly even met"

"Well I need it"

"I'll bring it to you" I gave him my address and we hung up. I was glad I was getting to see Michael again.

About a half hour later Michael knocked on my door.

"Hey, thanks for coming" he smiled big.

"Yeah, no big deal ma" I looked to see a white Maserati Grancabrio, I was jealous of his car choices.

"Cool car"

"Thanks" He laughed. "Here is your phone"

"Thanks so much! I would have just got a new one but my dad is really over - protective and he would have probably been freaking out."

"what would he do? he lives across the country"

"He would just fly out here on his private jet" He raised his eyebrows at me but then looked at my car.

"I like your car" I could tell he was suprised I was rich.

"thank you"

"Most girls your age don't have these nice of cars" He said examining it. 'Yeah most girls my age aren't Lil Wayne's Daughter either' I thought to myself but I just smiled and nodded.

"I guess, thanks for the phone though I really appreciate it"

"No problem, see you later" I nodded and walked back into dorm 103. I had missed a few calls from my dad and 1 from my mom, great. I called my dad first.

"Hello? Kayleen what the hell"

"Sorry, I was studying and umm forgot my phone on silent" He was quiet for a second.

"Kayleen don't lie to me"

"I'm not lying" I felt like I was 13 again, explaining where I was and why I was there.

"Then why does your car's gps say you were an hour from there?" Oh shit.

"umm Lauren took my car"

"okay I know your lying, where were you?" I sighed, he was right.. I should just tell the truth.

"I was with some friends, and I forgot my phone at home"

"bullshit" He was getting angry.

"Whatever, I'm calling mom" I hung up the phone and called my mom, Leah picked up and was talking 90 to nothing about her day at the zoo.

"cool, can you put mommy on the phone?" I could hear her handing the phone off to my mom.

"Kayleen? how are you? you missed my phone call last night"

"I know my phone was on silent,  sorry"

"No problem, but me, Leah, and Wayne are coming out to LA this next week, maybe we could hang out?"

"definitely, that sounds great"

"great!" I could tell she was excited.

"Alright mom I have to go"

"see you later then" I hung up the phone and typed the dates into my calendar. I hadn't seen my mom in a month, and I missed her like crazy. I was watching TV with Lauren when my phone buzzed.

Boyfriend: Hey, its me ma.. You wanna chill tonight?

I laughed at the title he had put for himself, boyfriend. I had met Michael yesterday,  but I definitely wanted to go out with him again.

Me: Sure

I turned to Lauren who was looking at me funny.

"Whats up?"

"My boyfriend wants to chill"

"boyfriend?" I explained the whole situation to her and we both agreed I needed to go shopping.


"whoa Kayleen, this is cute" She turned around and showed me a gold and white chevron top, it was cute.

"let me try it on" I took it with me and grabbed some white shorts to go with it. The finished look was great.

I bought some gold and white Jordans to go with it, and I had the perfect outfit. We walked to the food court and I bought us lunch. Lauren decided she wanted some new ear rings,  so we walked to the other end of the mall, but that side was packed with people. I realized it was a celebrity, and he or she must be signing autographs.

"whoa" Lauren stated pushing threw the crowd. We made it to the other side and walked up the stairs to the next level. Once we were up there I was able to see the celebrity.. It was Jacob.

He smiled to take a picture with a fan, and I just stared at him. I didn't know how I felt about seeing him. It was nice to see that he was still good, but I also didn't want to see him, I had a date tonight, with a guy I had met yesterday but I already had feelings for.


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