Chapter 3 ~ The Party - Part 1

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Chapter 3- The Party - Part 1

"Okay, your dismissed" My favorite professor told us. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the doors. LA weather was great, but not as good as Miami. I was wearing a gold layered tank top with some black shorts and some gold flats.

I walked back to dorm 103 and saw Lauren texting someone.

"Hey girl" She smiled, I knew something was up.

"Hey Lauren" I walked passed her and sat at my desk.

"so.. there is a party tonight.. you could come if you wanted"

"sure Lauren, I'll come with you"

"great, lets go shopping" I laughed and got up changing into some more- comfortable clothes. We drove my Ferrari to the mall that was closest to us.

"Kayleen this is so cute" She pointed to the cheetah print shorts.

" Get them then Laur"

"They are $689.99 though!"

"That isn't even bad"

"hmm okay" I found some aztec print leggings and a black ruffled top with some black heels. I looked great when it was over. I bought everything, it was more then $3,000 I wasn't suprised though, my shopping trips usually were more then a $1,000.

I drove the 30 minutes back to our dorm and we got changed, the party was an hour away, and it was already 8PM. I curled my hair and did my makeup perfectly,  I looked amazing. I added some black hoop ear rings and I was ready to go. I drove us there since there was no point in wasting gas.

I get to the address and I can here the music. I parked and we walked to the house. There was so many people it was crazy, it reminded me of the parties we had back in Miami.

"This way" Lauren led me to what looked like the kitchen since she had been here before. I recognized a few people here from my classes, but almost everyone knew who I was. I stood at the kitchen while Lauren mixed our drinks.

" Here, I'm going to go over there" she pointed to a group of guys who looked about 20, they were all gorgeous. "come get me if you need anything" I nodded and took a sip of the drink, it was strong. With all the college stress I had going on though, this is probably not strong enough. I walked over to the dancefloor and danced for a while. After I was tired I walked over to go get Lauren. I couldn't find her. I was walking all around the house, when all of a sudden a fight broke loose. 2 guys were just beating each other,  and I was in the middle of it. I was leaning against the wall and they were still throwing punchs that would hit me every so often.

I saw a guy walk up and see me struggling, then he grabbed one of them and pushed them off each other. I was still in shock, did that really just happen? I saw the guy walk up to me.

"Hey.. you okay?" I nodded looking at my elbow that was bleeding continuously. The guy came closer and examined it.

"hmm I think you are going to need stitches" I shook my head 'no'. I wasn't going to get stitches, I cringed at just the sound of that.

"Come on girl, I'll go with you" I looked at him for a second and shook my head again.

"Im not going to get stitches"

" I'm not going to leave you here, bleeding"

"your sure I need stitches?"

"yeah" he nodded still looking at my elbow.

"okay" he smiled and grabbed my hand. He took me to his car, which was a yellow Lamborghini Aventador. It was an awesome car, but I couldn't focus on it. I couldn't focus on anything because of the alcohol. Plus my arm hurt, bad.

"So whats your name?" He was trying to make me forget about the pain.

"its Kayleen, you?"

"I'm Michael" He smiled, I never realized how cute he was until that moment. He was seriously probably the hottest guy I've ever seen.

"So, why were you at Blake's party?"

"My friend she.. uhh..she wanted to go" I was slurring my words slightly. He just nodded and kept driving till he got to the hospital. He walked in with me and explained the situation to the nurse, she nodded and said I could get stitches right away. She led me to a back room and started asking my questions.

"So, you are a college student?"

"yeah I go to UCLA"

"Are your parents close by?"

"No, they live in Miami"

"I am going to go ahead a call them, can I get a name and phone number?"

"My dad is pretty busy, I wouldn't call him, and my mom would be asleep, its like 3AM"

"You think your dad would be awake?"

"My dad's phone would be off because he would be recording right now" She looked at me funny.

"recording what?"

"songs" I didn't want to tell her who my dad was, she would probably freak out. Plus Michael was standing right next to me and I didn't want him to know, not yet.

"okay, well the doctor can see you right away, follow me" I got up and walked with the nurse and Michael to the room. I was really nervous.

"Okay Kayleen, you are going to feel a pinch, because we need your elbow numb" I held Michael's hand and squeezed tight when the needle went in. I think he could tell I was struggling.

"its okay" He kept whispering but I didn't think it was going to be. They put in most of the stitches, and I was feeling horrible about it. They were just about done, and the last one was the worst. I felt a small pinch, and I was freaking out.

"Kayleen, it's going to be okay, you are almost done" Michael was trying to calm me down. The next thing he did shocked me, he leaned over and kissed me. I was so shocked I didn't even feel them tighten the stitches. Micheal smiled at me.

"Alright Ms. Carter, you are free to go" The doctor told us. I nodded and jumped off the table, I hated this place.

"good job ma, told you it wasn't going to be that bad" I rolled my eyes.

"it WAS bad!" He laughed.

"yeah okay" He drove me back to the party. I went and found Lauren and told her it was time to go, it was already 4AM.

"Thanks Michael, for everything.. I appreciate it" He looked at me for a minute and then leaned it and kissed me again, I was okay with it to.

I had just kissed Micheal, someone I had never even met before tonight, twice. And I enjoyed every second of it. I was starting to love college life.


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