Chapter 14 ~ Sick

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Chapter 14- Sick

I was on a plane back to Los Angeles and I was contemplating how to tell Michael. I had taken 4 more tests after that one, and they all said positive, I was definitely pregnant. I sighed as the flight attendent told us all to get ready for landing. I still had no idea how to tell him, was he going to freak out and never talk to me again? I was nervous. I put my seatbelt on and prepared for landing.


I grabbed my suitcase and walked out the tunnel. Michael met me smiling big, which just made me more nervous.

"Calm down" I whispered to myself, but it wasn't working. I was scare and there wasn't anything I could do about that.

"Hey ma, how was your trip?"

"It was good" he took my bag from me and we walked out of the airport.

"Why are you so quiet? tell me about everything, what did you do there?"

"Its just Miami, I didn't do that much Michael" He sighed.

"Okay, what did I do? Is this because I couldn't go with you?"

"No, you didn't do anything" Actually, he did do something! but I wasn't going to tell him as soon as I got home. I had to find the right moment.

"Whatever" He drove me back to my dorm and walked me inside. "See you later Kayleen, love you"

"Bye Michael" I wasn't trying to be rude, I just had a lot going on, and I was stressed. I looked at the time, 9:31PM. It was late enough to go to sleep, so thats just what I did. I would figure out a way to tell him in the morning.

~The Next Day~

I woke up and got dressed for my 12 o'clock class. I was wearing some high waisted denim shorts, a Last Kings tank top and some Jordans. My hair was all over the place, so I decided to just put it in a bun and leave some bangs down. I did the littlest amount of makeup possible and grabbed my backpack.

As I walked to class I thought about just texting him, 'hey Michael, I'm pregnant' but I quickly pushed that idea outof my head, I would have to do it face to face, so he would have to respond, and he couldn't run. I sat in my usual seat and waited for class to start.

Michael POV

I don't know whats wrong with Kayleen man! But its bothering the shit out of me. The Troy situation is over, my people handled it while Kayleen was in Miami. I just want to know whats wrong with her, why shes acting like this. I was driving to her dorm right now, I had called her but it had went to answering machine. I am going to find out why she's ignoring me, right now. I parked my gold lambergini and locked it. Then I walked up the stairs to dorm 103 and knocked. Kayleen opened the door looking like she was sick.

"Michael? what are- whats up?"

"Well you weren't answering my calls so I had to make sure you were okay.. You okay ma? you look sick"

"yeah, which is why you should go" she wanted me to leave, why did she want me to leave?

"No, your my girlfriend I'm going to stay here and take care of you" I walked passed her through the dorm, she basically had it all to herself because Lauren was always out with her new boyfriend. She shut the door and layed down on the couch. I grabbed a blanket and walked back up to her. "here you go girl" She didn't even look at me, she just took the blanket and threw it on herself before closing her eyes.

I made myself comfy and played on my phone till she woke up. When she did, she was surprised to see I was still there with her.

"Michael?" She said in a sleepy tone. I smiled at her.

"Yeah its me baby" She didn't even look happy to see me, she just looked confused and worried. "whats wrong Kayleen?"


"How are you feeling?"

"Ok I guess"

"You hungry? I can make you something, you gotta eat to keep your energy up" I pleaded with her.

"Im fine"

"I'll make us something" I walked to the kitchen and looked in the fridge, scanning for something to cook. I decided on some chicken and rice. As I went to work throwing down in the kitchen, Kayleen remained quiet on the couch. About thirty minutes later, I put her plate next to her and began to eat mine. She ate hers too, and the way she ate it made me think she hadn't eaten in days. She finished all her food before I did and looked at the ground, or anything else that wasn't me. Something was defiantly going on here. I put both our plates in the sink and washed them off.

"Thanks for the food" She looked at me for one of the first times since I had gotten there.

"No problem, you should start feeling better soon"

"I don't think I will"

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Because Michael," her voice started to crack and I started to get worried, "Michael, I'm pregnant"

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