Chapter 20 ~ Boy, Girl... Boy, Girl?

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Authors Note- I wanna give a big shout out to @TheFanfictionWriterK for voting and commenting on this book and the last one! I also wanna say you should go check out her book 'shakee' ! Anyways, enjoy the chapter(: I will try to update again pretty soon.

Chapter 20- Boy, Girl... Boy, Girl?

2 years later

Cayla was now three, me and Michael were happy married for about a year. I was actually 5 months pregnant with our second child. I was getting angry with Michael cause he said he would quit selling a while ago but I knew he was still doing that shit.

I felt the bed sink in next to me and I looked at the clock, 4:25AM. I turned over so I was looking at him, he faked like he was asleep.

"Michael I know your awake. Where were you?"

"I was out" he just shook his head and wrapped his arms around my large stomach, I was really big for being just five months. 

"Whatever Michael" I got up and walked out of our bedroom, pillow in hand. 

"Where are you going" 

"I'm not going to be lied to, I'm sleeping on the couch" He didn't say another word, I just grabbed an extra blanket and curled up on the couch, and soon fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up back in the room I shared with Michael, with his arms wrapped around me. I rolled my eyes at him but he was still asleep. I got up and showered, then I through on some yoga pants and a loose fitting tee-shirt. I had a doctors appointment today, and I was going to find out the gender of my baby! I was super excited! I woke up Michael and told him to get ready because I was leaving in ten minutes. He kept mumbling under his breath but got himself ready in about 9, including a shower. While he was getting ready I got Cayla ready. She kept insisting on dressing herself but she didnt have any fashion sense, just like her daddy. 

"Mama I can wear this and this!" Cayla giggled out and pointed to a pink and white top and a ruffled blue and green skirt. See what I mean? I suggested that she wear the pink and white ruffled skirt instead, she didnt like that idea. After making a promise to go to get ice-cream and pick out a new doll she finally put on the stupid skirt. Cayla was getting more shy as she got older, which I didn't understand at all since I wasn't very shy and Michael wasn't, but he always said it was just a phase. I wasn't worried about it anyways. I gave her some food and she walked to the car with it. I tossed Michael the keys and he just ended up dropping them.

"Its to early for this shit" He mumbled picking up the keys. I could tell he was tired, his eyes were red and he didn't talk very much the whole way there. 

"You okay?" I asked as I walked in with him and Cayla. 

"Yeah, I'm just tired" He nodded at me and grabbed on to Cayla's hand. I was filing out paperwork while they had a conversation. 

"Kayleen Carter?" I stood up and we walked back to a room. After her talking for a while we finally got to find out the sex of the baby. 

"Alright well there is the baby-" Then she stopped and her eyes got big.

"What?" Michael said with the most interest he's shown all day. 

"Well, there is one baby" She pointed to the screen, "And there is the other" She pointed to another place on the screen. "Congratulations, you are having twins, would you like to know the gender?"

I nodded, Michael just sat there in shock. Twins? 

"Looks like this one, is a male" she moved the screen around and smiled, "Actually make that 2 boys" Michael had a big grin on his face, he was so excited to be having boys, shit I was too. 

"Thank you Doc" She nodded and smiled.

"Congrats again" We both thanked her and she walked away.

"Look Cayla, its your little brothers" Michael said with tons of enthusiasm. 

"Where?" she asked him quietly. 

"Right in there" He pointed to the picture then at my stomach. 

"Oh" She said like she really could care less. She rolled her eyes at him then and tried walking away. She had waaayyyy to much attitude today. 

"Excuse me young lady? what did you just do with those eyes?" Michael said sternly, mostly because she knows its disrespectful to roll her eyes at anyone, me and Michael have already told her about that. 

"Nothing" She rolled them again. 

"You want a time out when we get home Cayla?" Michael said with more attitude then he needed to have, I guess he was just tired. 

"Yeah then I won't have to be around you or mom or the babies" and she rolled her little eyes once again. 

"Alright you can stay in your room all day today, no TV, or anything you will just sit in there and think about what you just said"  Michael shook his head and grabbed my hand leading me out of the clinic."That little girl" He shook his head, "Acts just like her mama" I push him.

"Your a lie! Its only because YOU spoil her!" 

"Nope" He laughs and walks the the Range Rover buckling Cayla into her seat. The whole way home every time be or Michael would look back at her she would give us a dirty look. We just laughed to ourselves. 


Thats all for chapter 20! Cayla and her attitude problems.. haha! She is in Multimedia.

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