Chapter 15 ~ Breaking Down

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Chapter 15- Breaking Down

Michael POV

"Michael, I'm pregnant" She looked at me with teary eyes. I didn't even know to say, but of course I didn't say the right thing.

"Your what?"

"Pregnant Michael" tears started running down her face and I didn't know what to say. I was only 21, shit, Kayleen was only 18. We weren't ready to be parents, and I didn't really want a kid to take care of either. I stared her down for a minute not knowing what to say to her.

"Oh" I sat down beside her, I could tell she was a nervous wreck, her hands were shaking like crazy and her eyes kept darting from he floor to the ceiling, anywhere but me. "its okay Kayleen" She shook her head no.

"are you on meds? its not fucking 'ok!' Im only 18! your a freaking drug dealer! I'm still in college, and my parents are going to hate me!" She was like hyperventilating.

"Calm your ass down! Your right, we are young and you are in college and your parents might not be happy, but chill with the yelling shit, we can't change it now can we? now we just have to accept the fact that were having a kid together and move on" I tried to be calm with her, but on the inside I was freaking out just as much as she was.

"Okay, your right, lets look at the positives" she pushed herself farther back into the couch and closed her eyes, "it will be fun shopping for her, or maybe its a him" I smiled at her sudden happiness.

"If its a girl, it better not look like you! Or I'm gunna have to lock her in her room for the rest of her life"

"No way!" she started laughing and I laughed to. It was so good to see her smiling and laughing again.

~The next day~

Kayleen POV

I am so glad I told Michael, I was so nervous about talking to him, I was so happy he was okay with it. I could tell he was a little nervous about it, but thats okay, so am I.

*2 weeks later*

Kayleen POV

Today was my first doctors appointment for the baby. I was kind of dreading it because the morning sickness was kicking my ass, but I could tell Michael was really excited.

"Okay baby you about ready to go?" I looked at my outfit and sighed, even though you could hardly see a baby bump I could see it and it bothered me.

"No. I can't wear this, I need to change"

"Whats wrong with that?"

"I wonder, hmm lets see maybe its cause I'm freaking fat!"

"girl you are NOT fat, your the complete opposite, you look nice, now lets go we are going to be late"

"whatever" I mumbled walking to the passenger side of the car.

*at the appointment*

"Congratulations, your baby is very healthy, here are some vitamins you should take to keep you and the baby healthy, I also want to talk to you about your weight, its almost unhealthy, you need to make sure you keep eating, and Michael, make sure she eats at least 3 big meals a day"

"Yes sir" the doctor gave me a small smile.

"thats all you need to be worried about right now, we need to get your weight up"

"okay" He gave me some papers and stuff that I would look at later and then we went and got the vitamins. Michael was beyond excited about our baby now, he could be jumping up and down, thats how excited he is.

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