Your character/personality

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You enjoy the small things in life and are content with the way your life has turned out. Layed back and hard-working, you do your best to make ends meet. Although lazy, you get your work done and hate letting people down.

You're shy at times but can find courage when it counts. Whilst around the one you love, you become flustered and overly embarrassed. You tend to over think things but find it easy to find trust in others, allowing them to soothe you when you panic. You find the night to be your favourite time, allowing you to enjoy both silence and solitude. Being alone is fine by you, but being with your significant other gives you the most joy.

You're kind and enjoy spending time around people. Because of your small size people tend to treat you like a child which you can deal with at times, but when pushed you become unable to control your anger.

You're a very positive person and like to see the best in people, judging character more than appearance. You've got a big heart and feel your best when you're help others. You spend a lot of your time smiling and trying your best to enjoy what you have been given, other than that you're very sensitive when it comes to negative comments directed at yourself and those you care for. Sometimes labeled as a crybaby, but as improved in terms of being over emotional. Trusts easily and usually ends up getting hurt.

Usually happy but if anyone tries to cross you, they will meet their end. Can act cold when upset but spends a majority of the time smiling and joking around. Stubborn when it comes to her ideals and ways of living, doesn't plan on changing. Strong-minded and determined. Easily gets bored and ends up sleeping almost anywhere.

A lover of all arts. You're always trying to have apositive onlook on life and enjoy making those around you smile, especially if your art is somehow involved. Very strong feelings about your art and will not hesitate to rid of those who put her art style down.

You're absolutely gorgeous and you know it. Guys fall head over heels for you but you doesn't bat an eye at them. You're independent and enjoy being alone. Enjoys a good laugh and loved being around people who can make you laugh and smile. Hates to be pushed around, becomes violent if she becomes angry.

You're quiet but despise being alone, usually putting yourself in public areas to be around people. Tends to be quite emotionless but becomes over emotional when upset or happy. Due to your like of people, you tend to cling to those who are close to you. Hates being told what to do, enjoys reading.

You love the outdoors, especially spending time in your garden and walking in the forest. Very happy and kind but tends to become childish when you don't get what you want.

You enjoy playing and eating sweets, so much so that people in your village like to compare you to a child. Everyday is a new adventure and you're always looking forward to what's to come. But despite being so happy all the time, dark times come if you're crossed.

I told myself that I shouldn't start a new book but here I am. Ugh why do I do this...? Anyway I have lots of these scenarios planned and hope to make this story very long so stay tuned. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD


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