When the others find out

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Something happens and now all the other Akatsuki members are aware of your relationship.

You sat in the living room and decided to head to bed, it was getting quite late. You stood from your spot and made your way to your bedroom. On your way you are suddenly pushed up against a wall. You look up to be met with the hungry magenta eyes of Hidan. A smirk makes its way onto his face. "How would you like to have some fun?", he asks. You shake your head, giving him your usual emotionless expression. "I have a boyfriend". His smirk seems to get wider. "I'm sure he'd let you, I'll make you feel good". Suddenly Hidan is thrown off of you and into to the living room, denting a wall. You walk out of the corridor to see a very furious Pein. He walks over to you and slips his arm protectively around your waist. His striking purple eyes glared at all of the other members. "If anyone dares to touch my (Y/n) I will make you wish you were dead". He then pulls you away into his office. You were now sitting on his lap while he sat at his desk. "You shouldn't let Hidan do that", he says. "He hadn't done anything yet", you reply. Pein sighs and wraps his arms around you tightly. "But he would've if you just stood there, promise me you won't let him touch you". You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. "I promise".

Somehow you got roped into a game of truth or dare. You were sitting on a couch with a few of the other members, there was Deidara, Tobi, Hidan and Kisame. The only other person in the room was Konan, she was sitting at a table doing origami. "Truth or dare?", Deidara asks you. You tap your chin. "Uh truth". Deidara sighs. "You can't keep picking truth un, it just makes the game boring". "That's only cause you're giving her fucking pussy questions", Hidan spits. "I'd like to see you do better un", Deidara scoffs. Hidan smirks. "Ok then, if you had to sleep with one person in this room who would it be?". "Oh I hope (Y/n)-chan will pick Tobi, Tobi would love to have a sleep over with (Y/n)-chan", the man child cheers. Kisame lets out a long sigh. "Tobi he means have sex with not have a sleep over with". "Oh". Tobi was quiet after that. "So who do you choose un?", Deidara asks hopefully. You look to the side and see Konan, your face turns bright red. "I-I uh w-well". "Just fucking say it!", Hidan growls. "Konan!", you accidentally yell. They're eyes all widen. Konan hearing her name comes over. "What's wrong (Y/n)?", she asks softly. Your face is somehow redder then before. "Why Konan?", Kisame asks. "Uh w-well". Konan blushes too but giggles. "(Y/n) is my girlfriend, why wouldn't she pick me?". She then walks away, placing a kiss on your forehead first. You just sat there with a red face while the others tried to think of something to change the subject.

"You're pretty hot for a short chick". When Hidan said that a fire lit within you. "Shut up asshole!". "What the fuck I was just complimenting you, bitch!". "Well stop it, I don't want your perverted 'compliments'". "I'm not fucking pervert you whore". "Who are you calling a whore you ugly piece of shit". "You've fucking done it now bitch!", he growls. Hidan stands up and swings his scythe at you. You got ready to dodge but someone stood in front of you and did it. They turned and around and looked down at you. "(Y/n) stop it", Itachi says seriously. You nod. "Ok then". Itachi sits beside you. Everyone turns to look at you as you rest your head on the Uchiha's shoulder. "What the fuck?", Hidan says. You smirk at him and Itachi wraps his arm around you.

You sat in the living room reading when the base entrance opened. Itachi and Kisame walk in with Kakuzu carrying Hidan's decapitated head and body. You notice Kisame has a bandage wrapped around his upper arm. You rush to him. "Are you Ok? What happened?", you question. "Oh it was nothing, just a kunai". You nod and sit him down, beginning to heal him. "What the fuck?! I'm fucking decapitated and you're more worried about Kisame's little cut", Hidan yells. Heat rises to your cheeks as you realize everyone has just seen your worrying. "(Y/n) and I are dating so it would make sense for her to worry over me", Kisame says suddenly. Your face seems to turn redder. "Aw that's so cute", Konan coos. You sigh and heal Kisame's wound as fast as you can before heading to your room to rest.

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