When they see your scary side

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You and Pein were hanging out at your house. It was really sunny today so you decided to go to the field and hang out there. When you got there you were really annoyed because there were a couple of teenage boys there. One had a lighter and was lighting patches of grass on fire, the others just snickered and watched. You disappeared from beside Pein and appeared behind the boys. A dark aura surrounded you as you stared down at them. "What do you think you're doing?", you ask in a very scary voice. The boys turned around, their eyes widening in fear. They stuttered and tried to form words but it wasn't working. "You better leave and never come back to this field or next time I won't be so nice". The boys nodded and ran off, disappearing into the forest. Pein stared at you dumbfounded. "What was that?", he asks. You now were now laying down in your usual spot. "Sorry what? Did you say something?". He shook his head and lay next to you, he made a mental note not to ever make you angry.

You and Konan were walking through the the forest like every other night. This time you decided to walk along the river and see where it lead to. Konan had said she always wanted to see a waterfall and you wanted to find one for her. You heard laughter and saw a bunch of boys sitting by the edge of the river. One of them was holding a small ginger kitten by the scuff of its neck. He dangled it over the water, laughing as it let out frighten meows. A dark aura formed around you, sending shivers down Konan's spine. You ran at the boy and kicked him into a nearby tree, catching the kitten before it hit the water. The Poor kitten shivered and nuzzled its face into your warm body. You glared at the boys who were now all terrified. "Mess with any animal again and I will find and torture you as you have done them them, now leave before I begin the punishment". The boys nodded quickly and began running away. Konan came over and your normal blushing face came back. The two of you went to the shelter to give the kitten some food and then went back to your house. Konan made sure she didn't do anything that might trigger you anger, it was terrifying.

You were working today and Itachi had come to see you. He was sitting alone in one of the booths, occasionally looking up at you. You were so busy that you didn't even know he was there. Suddenly a group of guys walked in and started checking you out. "She's pretty hot, wouldn't mind getting a piece of that", one snickered. You could hear them and didn't mind it but they soon started cat calling you and you weren't having a bar of it. "Hey cutie come here", one calls. You walk over to the 3 men and stand in front of their table. "Can I get you something?", you ask sweetly. "Yeah how about you coming back to mine later", one says, wiggling his eyebrows. You could feel an irk mark forming but you managed to calm down. "I'm sorry but I have to decline, do want me to actually get you something?". They don't reply so you begin walking away from the table. You suddenly feel someone grab you hand and pull you back. You grab the arm and pull them over your back, slamming them into the ground. The guys were pretty surprised by that, you looked at them with a deadly glare. "Touch me again and you'll find yourself in the hospital or worse". The men nod and then pick up their now unconscious friend, dragging him out of the cafe. Itachi too was pretty freaked out but smirked at how cute you are when you're angry.

You and Kisame had gone swimming again and you were sitting on the bank watching him. You were starting to get tired of swimming and had gotten out for a rest. Unfortunately a man had also decided to swim in the same spot as you. You were laying down on top of your towel, reading, when you felt a shadow being cast over you. You looked up just as your book was snatched from your hands. You furrowed your eyebrows and saw a shirtless man holding your book over your head. You stood up and tried to grab it but he was taller and held it higher. "Hey give it back", you say, jumping up and down for your book. The guy smirked. "How about I give you your book back if you let me take you on a date?". You stopped trying to grab the book and bit your thumb, thinking. Suddenly something happened, it felt like slow motion and it filled your entire body with rage. He closed your book... losing your page. You eyes filled with flames and your fists clenched. One collided with his chin in a very powerful uppercut. He went flying backwards and you caught your book before it hit the ground. You sat on the ground muttering a string of profanities as you searched for your page. Kisame watched from the water, he knew not to piss you off now.

Akatsuki BF scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now