When you get sick

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The orange-haired man wouldn't say that he was missing you, perhaps he was just confused about why you weren't sitting with him as he did his paperwork? It was the norm and not having you there irritated the male. Wanting to fix this probably he decided to look for you. Just as he opened his office door he was meet with his blue-haired companion, just about to knock on the door. "Konan, what may I do for you?", he asks, a hint of desperation in his voice. "I noticed (Y/n) looking a little under the weather this morning so I've put her to bed, I was letting you know that she isn't feeling too well". He gives an understanding nod before closing his office door. "Thank you Konan, I'll be heading to her room now". She nods gently, her face bearing a small smile.

The pierced man hurried down the long corridors, stopping in front of the wooden door you stayed behind. Without knocking he quietly entered, looking around the dark room. His ringed eyes locked onto the bed, there a small lump resided beneath a small number of blankets. He sighed in relief an approached the bed, taking a seat beside you. Noticing the new weight on the bed your eyes fluttered open and looked up at Pein, his eyes softened at the sight of your vulnerable state. "You feeling okay?", he asks. You give a small nod, scrunching up your face as try to avoid a sneeze. He lets out a rare chuckle and places a hand on your hot cheek, stroking it lovingly. "Don't lie to me". You quietly groan and lift your hands up to your face as you sneeze. Suddenly, Pein got up and walked over to the door. "H-hey, where are you going?", you call. He turns back and meets your gaze for a second before walking out the door. After a minute or so of waiting, he returned with a stack of papers and a few pens. He plopped down next to you on the bed as he began doing paperwork with his dominant hand and running his fingers soothingly through your hair with his other.

You walked out into the living room and sat on the couch with the other members. You hadn't noticed it as you had your face buried in your arm as you constantly coughed and sneezed. "Damn, you look like shit", Hidan says out loud. You look around a notice that all looks coming from the other members say the same thing. Suddenly Konan entered the room, quickly rushing over to you. Her hand rested on your forehead as she gave you a concerned look. "You've got a fever, what were you doing last night?", she asks sternly. You look past her, an obvious guilty look on your face. "I was out... in the forest". She sighs and picks you up, carrying you to your room. Once inside she put you in your bed, pulling the blankets up to your chin. "Now lay there until you feel better". Feeling slightly afraid by the deadly serious look she was giving you, you nodded not wanting to anger the angel any further. Konan took care of you for the entire day, making paper cranes in hopes of you getting well faster.

The Uchiha chuckled as he poked the cheek of your scrunched up face. "Go away if you're gonna be annoying", you groan, opening your eyes to glare at him. "You deserve it, if you eat too many sweets you're gonna feel sick". You clutched your aching stomach, going red in the face from the pain. Itachi eventually climbed onto your bed, pulling you to his chest. "What do you want now?", you growl, ready to pounce on the male if he continues to mock your pained state. Instead, you feel his hands rubbing your aching stomach, soothing the pain. You let out a sigh of relief and relaxed, snuggling into the raven-haired man. The two of you lay there for a couple of hours, only getting up when the pain in your abdomen was completely gone.

Food poisoning wasn't the nicest of things, in fact, it is nowhere near nice. It's like a temporary hell, 24 hours to be exact.  And guess where you were? In the bathroom, emptying your guts into the toilet. After an hour or so of pain, you groaned loudly, wiping your mouth with a towel. The other member's had heard you since your vigorous spewing wasn't the quietest. The door to your bathroom slowly creaked open, revealing the concerned form of the shark man. "Hey, you feeling alright?", he asked, obviously worried. Your nod was interrupted by you stomach erupting once more, sending acidic vomit up your throat. Your eyes widened as you resumed your position over the toilet bowl, letting your mouth burn at the sensation of hot liquid touching its sensitive walls. Knowing that you definitely weren't ok, he moved closer to you. Holding back your hair as he rubbed your back, making sure everything was coming up. He sat there with for the entirety of your pain, making sure that were alright for every second of it.

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