Exchanging names

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Even though that guy told you that it wasn't safe, you couldn't give two shits. You were in the same spot as yesterday. It was normal for you to come here, you worked at lunch and at dinner at a restaurant as a waitress. Even though you were too lazy to do anything you knew that you had to work or else you would get kicked out of your apartment. I was laying down in the exact same spot as yesterday, enjoying the sun and not caring about anything else.

"What are you doing here?", the same voice from yesterday asked. You opened one eye and looked up at the orange haired man. "The same as yesterday". You heard him sigh and then sit beside you. "How do you even have time to sit here?", he asks. "I come here whenever I don't have work, I've got nothing else to do". There was a moment of silence before you decided to speak. "So what's your name?". You don't even bother to open your eyes but you knew he was looking at you. "Pein, how about yourself?". "(Y/n)". Pein opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by you suddenly standing up. "Sorry Pein, I gotta go back to work, see ya later". You walk away leaving Pein alone in the field.

It was the night after you had seen the beautiful woman in the woods. She had taken your favorite spot so you decided to find another. You were wandering through the trees but stopped when you heard a twig snap behind you. You turned your head and saw the blue haired woman. Your body tensed up and your face turned bright red. "Why did you run from me?", she asks, coming closer. "Uh I-I dunno", you stutter. Now she was standing right in front of you. "Do I scare you?". "N-no". She gave me a sweet smile which sent shivers all over my body.

"What is your name?", she asks. "M-my n-name?". She nods. "My n-name is (Y/n)". "(Y/n) why do you hide your face from me?". I shrug. She comes closer and pulls off my hood, revealing my face. She blushes a bit but manages to hide it from me. "W-what is your name?", I ask, breaking the silence. Her amber eyes meet my (e/c) ones. "Konan". I was about to ask her another question but she interrupted me. "I'm sorry but I must go". I watched as her body disappeared, changing into thousands of pieces of paper. Flying away from me, leaving me dumbfounded.

I came to work early and opened the cafe. My boss doesn't usually arrive until lunch so I would be looking after the cafe by myself for a while. I made myself a cup of (drink) and sat at one of the tables. After a few minutes someone walked in, I looked up and noticed that it was the same man from yesterday. Our eyes met and he walked over to me. "Do you mind if I join you?", he asks. "No not at all". He takes a seat and gives me a small smile. "Would you like me to get you something?", you ask. He nods. "But first may I ask your name?". I nod. "It's (Y/n)". "What would you like...". "Itachi". "What would you like Itachi?". "Just the same as yesterday".

You got up and prepared his food and drink before bringing it out. "Here you go". You sat back down at the table and sipped at your own drink. "How long have you worked here?", he asks. "Maybe six months". He was about to ask another question but was interrupted by the bell on the door. Some customers were coming in. You gave Itachi an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I've got to get back to work". You picked up your drink and put it the kitchen then went over to the new customer to serve them.

You sat by the river yet again but this time you made sure that you wouldn't fall in. You were playing with the koi but ran out of food to give them so they all swam away. You lay back on the bank and looked around trying to think of something to do. Your face lit up when you saw a pile of flat rocks on the ground, you picked one up and walked over to the water. You then threw it, skipping it across the surface of the water. You giggled when you saw that you had thrown it all the way to the other side of the lake. You picked up another stone and skipped it but this time something emerged from the water. You stone smacked into it.

"Ouch", someone cried. I watched as the thing that came out of the water got closer and closer to shore. As it got closer you realized that it was a person but as it got even closer you saw that it was the man from yesterday. You ran over and helped him out of the water. "Oh my god are you OK? I am so so sorry". Lucky you hadn't thrown that one as hard as your previous one. It didn't break the skin but it did leave a big purple lump on his head. "Do you need anything?", you ask. He gave you a sly smirk. "How about your name?". I was quite surprised by this but ended up giggling over it. "My name is (Y/n), how about you?". "I'm Kisame". You looked up at the sun and realized what the time was. "Oh shit, sorry Kisame I gotta go to work, see ya later". You ran back to the village, regretting not actually helping Kisame with his injury.

Akatsuki BF scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now