When they say they love you

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I sat by myself in the field. It was around 9pm. I hadn't really come here at night that often. It was nice just laying in the grass, staring up at the stars. I could hear Pein walking towards me, for a ninja he wasn't very stealthy. "So you're out here again", he states. I nod my head, not bothering to avert my eyes from the sky. He sits beside you and looks down at you. You meet his gaze and give him a small smile. He looked a little shocked, you don't smile that often and neither does he. His hand reached out and gently pet your head. You hummed quietly, moving closer to him so your head's resting on his lap. His body stiffened a little but after a while he relaxed. "You know I never thought I would ever find someone like you", Pein says. You look up and meet Pein's gaze. "Its not hard to find people like me in this world, Pein. I'm emotionless and empty, what makes you think I'm so special". He chuckles, it was one of the only times you had ever heard it. "If you're so emotionless then how come you smiled before". "If you're so emotionless then why did you chuckle?", you add. Pein sighs and leans down, placing a kiss on your forehead. "I love you, you know that?". "I do now". There was a moment of silence before Pein got up, moving your head back onto the grass. "I've got more work to do, I'll see you later". He begins to walk away. "Hey Pein", you call. He stops and looks back at you from over his shoulder. "Yeah?". "I love you". His face heats up and he sends you a quick nod before speed walking away.

You sat in the forest with Konan by your side. She seemed a little flustered and you had no idea why. "Are you alright, Konan?", you question. She quickly nods her head, accidentally dropping a paper flower to the ground. You reach down and pick it up before Konan can. You turn to see her covering her face with her hands. You look back to the flower and see it has the words 'unfold me' written on it. You follow the instructions and deconstruct the paper creation until its just a regular piece of paper. The middle of it has writing, it says 'I love you'. Your face heats up as you reread it over and over again. "I-I don't know if its too early to say it but I do love you, (Y/n)", Konan says, sounding slightly confident. I turn to her and notice her face is the same color as mine, bright red. I giggle and lean forward, placing my lips on hers. I pull away and send her a sweet smile. "I love you too".

Itachi banned you from the kitchen today and you had no idea why. He told you that you were only allowed in the living, hallway and your own room. It was quite annoying too because you were starting to feel hungry. You walk to the kitchen door and knock on it. "Itachi can I please come in? I'm super hungry!", you call. "Just a second". You sigh loudly and lean up against the wall to save your legs the effort. A minute or so later the door opens revealing Itachi holding a covered plate. "What's that?", you ask, pointing to the plate. "Its a surprise", he says happily. It was strange hearing Itachi happy, he was quite emotionless most of the time but whenever he smiled or laughed your heart would explode. "Can I eat it?", you question. He nods. Itachi grabs your hand and leads you to your room where he pulls you in, closing the door behind us. He points to the bed so I walk over and sit down on it. Itachi walks over and sits next to me, placing the plate in between us. He then takes off the cover to reveal several different types of dango. Each stick holding three dango and each dango holding one word, those words being 'I', 'love' and 'you'. Your face heats up as you read each one. "I would've liked it better to openly say it to your face but every time I try I just can't, so now you know I love you". Tears fill your eyes and begin descending down your face. His eyes widen in shock. "I'm sorry, did I say it too early? I didn't mean to make you upset". You suddenly jump on him, hugging him tightly. "I'm not upset, I'm happy. I love you too, baka".

I slowly walked into the water of the lake. I stopped when my waist was submerged. Kisame had avoided me all day and I wanted to see him, he had come here a couple of hours earlier. I look over and see Kisame swimming around. He goes under and then comes to the surface, taking a deep breath. He looks over in my direction and his eyes widen. I go in deeper, swimming towards him. I stop when I'm right in front of him, his face is bright red. "Why are you avoiding me?", you question. He sighs and looks down at the water. "I-I wanna tell you something but I don't know if its too early...", he trails off. You giggle and kiss his cheek. "Just tell me, no matter what it is". He nods and takes a deep breath. "(Y/n) you are the most important person in my life and I wanted to say that... I-I love you". Your eyes widen for a sec before they close as you begin laughing. "What's so funny?", he asks. You lean forward and press your lips against his. "I love you too, don't ever think that I don't".

Akatsuki BF scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now