Chapstick tease

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You get your hands on some chapstick but its you first time using it. With out realizing it you are being a bit of a tease...

One of your coworkers gave you some chapstick as a gift. She said she thought you would like it because it tastes like strawberries. You had never tried chapstick before so you had no idea what you were doing.

Pein walked up to you and noticed how strange you were acting. He saw a small cylinder that you held between your fingers, you were staring intensely at it. "What are you doing?", he asks. "Someone gave me this chapstick and I was wondering what it would be like?". "Why are you so interested in it?". "She said it tastes like strawberries". There was a moment of silence. "Why don't you try it on?", he suggests. My face lights up and I remove the lid. I held it to my nose and inhale, it did smell like strawberries. I began applying it to my lips, not realizing Pein was staring hungrily at them. "So how is it?". "Its pretty good, it tastes like strawberries". Pein spent the rest of the afternoon staring at your lips

You had met up with Konan in the forest. Right now you were sitting on a rock staring up at the sky. Suddenly she broke the silence. "Here you go", she says, offering something to you. You take it from her and roll the small cylinder between your fingers. "What is it?", you ask. "Its chapstick". "What do I do with it?". "Its like lipstick but it doesn't have any color, this one is plum flavored", she smiled. I looked down at it and then removed the lip. I brought it to my lips and began applying it. Konan stared at your lips, wishing to taste the plum you had just applied.

You were having lunch with Itachi in the cafe where you worked. Suddenly one of your work mates came up beside you and handed you something. "What's this for?", you ask. "Well I wanted to say thank you for yesterday", she says with a blush. Yesterday she had accidentally split coffee everywhere and you took the blame. You looked at the gift and noticed that it was chapstick. "I hope you like it". I gave her a small smile, she bowed and got back to work. "What is it?", Itachi asks. "Its chapstick". I began reading the label and my face lit up. "It says its dango flavored!", you squeal. Itachi felt his throat tighten. You took the lid off and applied the chapstick. Itachi was suddenly craving dangos.

You were laying on the river bank waiting for Kisame. In your hand was some chapstick that a patient had given you as a gift. You were rolling it between your fingers but stopped when a shadow was cast over you. You looked up and saw Kisame standing over you. He sat down next to you, his eyes went directly to the object in your hand. "What's that?", he asks. "Chapstick, a patient gave it to me as a gift", you reply. "What are you gonna do with it?". "Um I might try it, it says that its blue berry flavored". You take the lid and bring it up to your lips. You gently apply it and dragging it across your lips. Kisame's eyes were glued to your lips, he couldn't tear them away.

You sat on a swing in the park. You weren't swinging  you were staring down at the object in your hand. A student had given it to you as a gift. Sasori walked over to you and sat in the vacant swing next to you. "What's that?", he asks pointing to your hand. "Its chapstick"."Why would you have chapstick?". I shrug my shoulders. "A student gave it to me". You bring it close to your face and read the label. "It says its chocolate flavored". You take the lid off and apply it to your lips, smiling at the chocolaty taste. Sasori licked his lips wishing that he could taste.

You were sculpting when you felt something tug at your sleeve. You looked down and saw a small boy with some thing in his hands. "I wanted to give this to you", he says with a blush. I take it from him and ruffle his hair, sliding the object into my pocket. "Thank you sweetie". The boys entire face goes red and he runs off. Deidara walks over and leans on one of the nearby tables. "What did he give you?", he asks. I pull the object from my pocket and read the label. "Chapstick, vanilla flavored". "Are you gonna use it?". "Um I might try it". You take the lid off and apply it to your lips. Deidara's face turned bright red, he just hoped that you didn't notice.

You walked out of the bar and went to the park. You promised Hidan that you would meet him there. Actually he begged you to come and after refusing several times you gave in. You needed change this morning so you bought some chapstick to break the note. But you hadn't ever used it so you had no idea if you should do it or not. You saw Hidan leaning up against a tree. You walked over, playing with the chapstick in your hand. He looked down at your hand and raised an eyebrow. "What''s that?", he asks, pointing at it. "Oh just some chapstick". "What flavor?". Honestly you had no idea, you lifted it up and read it. "Cherry". Hidan smirked. "Are you gonna wear it?", he asks. You shrug your shoulders. "Should I?". "Yep". "I'll do it if you do it". Hidan though for a minute and then gave you a thumbs up. You took the lid off of it and then applied it to your lips. Hidan stared hungrily at you. When you were finished you handed it to him. "Your turn". He was happy enough to do it, he just wished there was another way he could put it on ;)

You were sitting in the library with a book, but you weren't actually reading it. "What are you reading about?", Kakuzu asks. "I'm not reading". "Then what are you doing?". You looked down at the book and at the tube of chapstick that sat in the crevasse. "I'm look at this?". "What is it?". "Chapstick". "Why?". "I don't know, someone gave it to me". There were a few minutes of silence before Kakuzu spoke again. "Why don't you try it on?". You shrugged your shoulders and picked it up. "It says its grape flavored". You take the lid off and put it on your lips. Kakuzu hid his blush behind his mask, but nothing could hide the hungry look in his eyes.

You had seen some chapstick when you were shopping and were very curious about it. You had never used it before and wondered what it would be like. Right now you were sitting next to the flowers with Zetsu, rolling some a tube of chapstick between your fingers. "What's that?", he asks. "Its chapstick, I bought it earlier because I have never worn it before". "Why don't you try it now?". You face lit up and you smiled at him. "Ok I will". You brought it closer to you face and read the label, making sure there were no instructions or anything. "It says its watermelon flavor". You remove the lid and begin applying it. Zetsu blushed on both sides, he tried to look away but it wasn't working. His eyes always found their way back to you. More specifically to your lips.

You were eating candy wit Tobi and noticed something strange in the bag. You pulled it out and realized that it was a tube of chapstick. "I think you bought this by accident", you giggle. "What is it for?", he asks. "Its chapstick, you wear it on your lips". "Well then (Y/n)-chan can have it". I blush and look down at it. "What's wrong?", he asks. "Well I've never used it before". "Tobi thinks (Y/n)-chan will do fine". You nod you head and pull the lid off and apply it. You giggle. "Wow it tastes like candy". Tobi watched you the entire time, wanting to taste the candy that you wore on your lips.

I thought of this chapter idea because I bought some watermelon chapstick and it smells sooo good. I absolutely love water melon, it is sooo good. Suggest scenarios if you have any. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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