When they find out you're a rouge

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You aren't who you say you are and today the Akatsuki member finds out exactly that.

Pein was over at your house and you were sleeping. Pein was getting really annoyed because your bed kept squeaking whenever you moved so he went to find a screwdriver to fix it. Unfortunately he stumbled upon something else as well.

He was looking around your house for a tool box when he found a cardboard box on the top shelf of your wardrobe. He pulled it down and blew the dust off the boxes lid. In capital letters the box read 'stuff'. Pein sweat dropped but got curious as to what type of 'stuff' the box would contain. He opened it and raised an eyebrow, the box was pretty much empty except for a forehead protector, a few kunai and a piece of paper. He pulled the headband out and saw that it had the symbol of the hidden mist village on it, a scratch marked the symbol. He looked at the kunai next and saw that they were covered in dry blood, they didn't smell very nice. And finally Pein picked up the piece of paper that turned out to be a marriage license. He read through it and at first was confused, but chuckled slightly when he reached the bottom of the page. After the word signature there was a name and then someone with very messy hand writing wrote the word 'Nah'. He chuckled slightly. "What are you doing?", came a voice behind him. Pein turned and looked at you. "How come you never told me you were a rouge?", he asks. You shrug your shoulders. "Well can you at least tell me why you became one?". "My clan wanted me to get married and I was pretty cool with that but when I found out it was my cousin I said hell no and left". Pein chuckles and and walks over to you and hands you the box. "No cousinly love?", he smirked. "No incest for me".

You and Konan were at your house and you were reading. Having nothing really to do, Konan went over to your book shelf and began looking through the books that you had. She was surprised to find some romance but not as surprised as she was to find your Icha Icha. She opened a few but was surprised to find one surprisingly light. She opened it and saw that there was some material in there. She pulled it out and gasped when she saw that it was a forehead protector with a crossed out symbol on it. Underneath that were several photos of you with children. You were all smiling and looked so happy, Konan couldn't help but giggle. You heard her and ran over pulling the stuff from her hands, a blush present on your face. "(Y/n) are you a rouge?", she asks. You nod you head and look at the photos and headband. You sit down and sigh. "Whats wrong?", Konan asks. "Its just I didn't expect to see this stuff anytime soon". "May I ask why?". You nod. "I was a kunoichi of village and was working directly under the elders. One day I came across a file and found out that my village was taking advantage of the war and kidnapping war orphans and using them as experiments. I broke into the lab and rescued all the children and ran off with them but I... I couldn't save them". Konan hugged you. You turned and saw that she was crying, you hugged her back. It was only now that you remembered that Konan was a war orphan.

You and Itachi were cleaning your house. You insisted that he didn't have to help but he wanted to and wouldn't let you do it by yourself. You had told Itachi to clean the bottom cupboards in the kitchen because you knew what horrors lived down there. That place was full of spiders and other demonic creatures. It wasn't that you were scared of them its just that they were massive and you didn't want to be the one to disturb them. Right now you were going through all of your books and throwing away the ones you no longer needed. You stopped cleaning when you felt someone looking at you. You turned around and saw Itachi standing in the doorway with something in his hands. As you got closer you realized what it was. It was your ninja headband. Itachi folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at you. "Who's is this?", he asks. You nervously rub the back of your neck. "Oh ah that's mine". "And when were you going to tell me that you were a rouge?". I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on the couch. Itachi walked over and sat next to me. "Do you wanna tell me about your past?". You bit your lip and hesitantly nodded your head.

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