When their partner asks about them

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Their partners are quite curious as to what you see in them.

I sat in the kitchen sipping some tea Itachi had prepared. I was the last one in the kitchen and noticed someone come in, I didn't bother to look up though. They take a seat across from me, watching me in order to get me to look up. Eventually I give in and look up to the the blue haired female Konan. "May I ask you something?", she questions, breaking the silence. I meet her gaze and nod, taking another sip of my tea. "What is it that you see in Pein?". I look down into my cup and hum quietly. "I many things. He's the only person I have ever been able to open up to about anything. My clan was wiped out when I was 6 years old and from then on I was alone. I never felt safe again but Pein seems to have the opposite effect. I could fall asleep and know that he would protect me, he has shown me something I haven't experience since I was young. Love perhaps?". Konan stares blankly at me. "He must've told you about us", she says, looking down at the table. You nod. "War orphans". "Please look out for him". You nod back, watching as she stands and leaves the room.

You sat in the living room with all the other Akatsuki, you found it interesting to just watch and listen. As a quiet person you never really put in your own opinion, observation seemed to suit you better. Suddenly Pein enters the living room. His eyes wander the room, stopping on me. "(Y/n) I'd like to speak to you in my office", he says. He then turns around and disappears the way he came. Everyone turns and looks at me as I stand, following the pierced man. I walk up to his office door and knock. I hear him call out on the other side and open it. Pein sits at his desk, looking up from his paper work. "What would you like to speak to me about?", you ask. "What is it that you see in Konan?", he asks bluntly. Your face heats up just thinking about her. "W-well Konan is kind and gentle. She cares deeply about those who are close to her and would protect them with the entirety of her being. She would never leave anyone behind, she would always do anything for the happiness and well being of those around her". Pein nods and meets your gaze. "I approve of your relationship with Konan but if you ever hurt her I will make you regret it". You quickly nod. "Of course, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her".

You find yourself alone in the kitchen, you had just finished cooking and were currently putting ingredients away. The door opens and someone walks in. You look up to see Kisame standing in the middle of the kitchen. You send him a smile and continue your cleaning. "Hey (Y/n)?", he calls. You stop and look back at him. "Yes". "What is it that you see in Itachi?", he asks. Your face heats up just thinking about it. You look down at your feet and bite your lip. "Since I've known Itachi he has always been there even when he doesn't have to be. He would watch over me and it makes me feel safe. I used to act so happy, working in a cafe and smiling as if it were my birthday everyday but on the inside I was broken. My clan was gone, I was the last one left and people shunned me. Itachi treats me like a human being, he makes me feel loved and important". Kisame smiles and nods. "I'm happy for you, Itachi seems more lively now". You nod and continue cleaning, humming quietly to yourself.

You were sitting in the living room by yourself reading, everyone else was on a mission. A second later Itachi and Kisame walk in, returning from a short mission. You smile at both of them and then look back down at your book. The two disappeared into their room. A minute or so later a door opened and someone walked out into the living room. You decided to ignore it. They walked into the living room and sat opposite you on the couch. You imagined it to be Kisame but when you looked up you saw Itachi. The Uchiha was watching you. "Can I help you?", you ask. He nods, clearing his throat as he looks away. "What is it that you see in Kisame? At first glances he isn't exactly a woman's first choice, looking like a shark and all". You close you book and tap your chin. "I understand what you mean but I personally don't mind it. I find Kisame very attractive also he is very kind. The first time I met him he was very nice to me, he's always there for me and I can't thank him enough for it". The Uchiha nods and walks off into the kitchen, not bothering to say another word.

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