When they get jealous

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You and Pein were out on a date to a nice restaurant when he suddenly excuses himself to go to the bathroom. You allow him to leave and he does so. During the dinner you had noticed a waiter who hadn't taken his eyes off of you for a second. He seductively licks his lips and stalks over to your table. He leans down and bites his lip, letting his eyes wander your body. "What's a beauty like you doing sitting here all by yourself?", he asks, leaning in. You look up at him with a blank expression. "I'm waiting for my boyfriend ". "Why don't you ditch the loser and come with me instead?". You found it quite irritating how this man had just insulted your lover. But before you could do anything you heard someone yell. "Almighty push!". The waiter was thrown through the air, crashing through the front window. You looked over and saw a very upset Pein. You stand up and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and looking him in the eye. "You know I would never leave with him". He sighs and places his hands on your waist. You lean forward and place a kiss on his cheek which causes him to blush. "There's no need to get jealous".

You and Konan were going shopping together and walked into a dress shop. There were a lot of beautiful dresses and you both wanted to look around. Konan picks out a (f/c) cocktail dress. She holds it out to you and you shake your head, holding your hands over your blushing cheeks. "Aw come on (Y/n), try it on". You eventually give in, taking the dress from her and walking to the fitting rooms. Once you've got the dress on you leave the cubicle and look around for Konan. You couldn't see her but you suddenly jumped when you heard the voice of someone else. "Well well well what do we have here? A beautiful maiden waiting for someone, could I be that someone?". I look over and see a tall blonde woman, you would be lying if you said she wasn't beautiful. She walked towards you and as she did you kept taking steps back. "Looks like my princess is timid". I stopped walking back when I was trapped in between her and the wall behind me. Her hand reaches up and gently caresses my check. "Like a cute little mouse", she whispers. My entire face is now bright red, your eyes scrunched up. "Hey, leave her alone!", someone yells. You open your eyes to see Konan glaring daggers at the woman. The woman chuckles and slips her arms around you, pulling your face to her chest. Konan grits her teeth and covers the woman in paper, causing her to scream. She runs off and Konan runs to you, wrapping you in a tight hug. You were honestly quite surprised, Konan didn't seem like the type to get jealous.

You were currently sitting on a park bench waiting for Itachi. He was out on a mission and said he would meet you at the park just after lunch. You sat there swinging your legs back and forth, humming quietly to yourself. Unfortunately someone spotted you. A man your age sat beside you and sent you a friendly smile. "H-hi there", he greets. He seemed pretty nervous. "Hey", you reply with a smile. His face heats up  and he nervous fidgets with his hands. "I-I just wanted to say that I think you're really pretty", he says. Your face heats up and you giggle. "Aw thank you". "W-would you like to go out sometime?", he asks hopefully. You opened your mouth to reject him but the man froze in place, his eyes widen with fear. You looked in the direction he was staring and noticed the Uchiha with his Sharingan activated. Kisame stood beside him and let out a chuckle. "Didn't take you for the jealous type, Itachi", he laughs. I walk over to Itachi and send him a closed eyed smile. "I was going to reject him, Itachi, there is nothing to worry about". He just stared down at you, his Sharingan disappearing. He sighed and placed a kiss on your forehead before taking your hand and walking with you around the park, leaving Kisame alone.

Even though your not running your own medical clinic anymore you still like to help people. In your free time you like to help out at the village's hospital. Right now you're tending to a man who's just broken his arm. He watches as you wrap his arms, a smirk on his face. "I can't thank you enough", he whispers seductively. You look up and realise he's leaning in, your eyes widen in shock. Suddenly the door opens and Kisame walks in, seeing this guy attempting to kiss you. He grits his teeth and pulls you away for the guy, wrapping his arms around you. The guy opens his eyes and glares up at Kisame. "We were in the middle of somethings", he growls. Kisame sits down with you in his lap and places a kiss on your forehead, smirking at the guy. "I suggest you leave before I break your other arm". The guy scoffs and leaves the room. You look up at Kisame and roll your eyes. "You didn't have to do that". He shrugs his shoulders and hugs you tightly.

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