How you meet

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After the Akatsuki hideout was discovered by one of the hidden villages, more and more ninja have been discovered in the area. To keep secrecy in their plans and protect the Akatsuki members from unnecessary damage, Pein decided it would be best for them to relocate. This way they would rid of the pesky ninja trying to scope out their plans and they would be able to live in peace once again.

And not too far away from where they had set up the new base, was the village where you lived...


You laid in the middle of an empty field, enjoying the good weather. The sky was a bright blue and the sun was delightfully warm. You closed your eyes and savored the feeling of the sun kissing your skin, humming gently to yourself. The field had become quite overgrown but this didn't bother you at all, it was beautiful with the abundance of wildflowers. Leaning further back into the soft grass, you couldn't help but smile at the feeling of a piece of grass tickling your neck. Flicking it away, you adjusted yourself before trying to do what you had been attempting these past 20 minutes.


And just as your eyelids started getting heavy, you were interrupted.

"What are you doing here?" A voice asked, startling you. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, a little annoyed that you were disrupted but too tired to voice any displeasure.

"Sleeping," you answered truthfully.

"You shouldn't be here," he continued, his voice firm. Finally finishing rubbing your eyes, you squinted up at the person before you. It was a young man around your age, his hair bright orange, face covered in piercing and eyes an abnormal purple. His ringed eyes stared down at you as he awaited your answer.

"Why?" you questioned, not satisfied with what he wanted. There was no way you were moving, this was your special sleeping spot. He lets out a quiet sigh before crouching down to your level.

"It's not safe here," he informs. In response to his warning, you rolled over so your back faced him. An irk mark appeared on his forehead, being obviously angry with the way you had so easily discarded his warning.

"Listen to me," he demanded, his voice raised. But there was no response, making him even more angry. Wanting to get your attention, he poked your back a few times, still getting no response. Stirring, you let out an audible snore which seemed to get him to freeze and completely calm himself. Out of curiosity, he pulled you onto your back by your shoulder to see that you were asleep. The reason you hadn't responded to him was because you had fallen asleep mid-conversation.

Standing from where he crouched he began walking away, hoping that he wouldn't find you there again after his warning.


Today was one of your longest yet, being the most annoying because of the amount of men who followed you in hopes of gaining your attention. You hated being the center of attention but with the lack of females in your village, every eligible young woman was harassed in hopes of becoming a wife.

Now it was night, your favorite time. Leaving your house, you pulled the hood of your cloak up to cover your face. You wanted to be alone and if anyone saw you, there was no doubt you would be followed.

You loved the night, especially when you got the chance to visit the forest. Walking among the trees at night was one of your favorite things to do, especially when you got to go to your special spot. There you could be alone with only the beautiful view of the midnight sky and the sounds of nocturnal animals scurrying around.

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