You accidentally hurt them

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It had been a while since you had had a bad dream. After a year or so you thought that they would never come back. They were mostly about your clan and the horrible memories of your past. It was difficult to get through that time but you were here now and it had all pasted, or so you thought. You knew that you tossed and turned when you had nightmares and that was fine, but now you had something else to worry about. Tonight you had Pein sleeping in your bed beside you, his arms wrapped around your waist. When you started to move around he woke up, confused by your sudden movement.

"(Y/n)", he whispered. But since you were asleep you didn't hear him. Noticing that you were sleeping, most likely having a nightmare he stopped you from moving by holding your forearms. You tried to move but he had a strong grip on you.

"(Y/n)", he called again, a little louder than before. But you still didn't wake. You jolted suddenly and grabbed onto his arms. He hissed in pain as you dug your nails in, a pained groan escaping his lips. Hating the feeling, he shook you harder, finally waking you up. Your eyes snapped open, immediately meeting with his. The way he squinted in pain surprised you, you didn't think you had ever seen him look this way. He looked down at his arms, trying to push you away. You refused to release him and followed his gaze, your eyes widening once you saw the blood. Pulling your hands away from him you sat up, staring down at your stained fingers. Your lip quivered at the sight, you couldn't believe that you had harmed him.

"Pein, I-". But he cut you off, pulling you into a hug.

"Are you alright?", he asks. You slowly nod your head, still shocked from the sudden hug. Once he released you you took his hands and pulled his arms close to you so you could examine the wounds on his biceps.

"I'm sorry", you apologised, hating yourself for hurting him. He shook his head and gave a small smile.

"As long as you're okay everything is fine", he said, cupping your cheeks. You returned the smile and leaned into his touch, staying in the same position until you eventually sat him down to treat his wounds with a first aid kit you kept under your bed.


A scream was heard throughout the base, alerting the Akatsuki members. They all ran to see what was going on, usually they wouldn't care but the scream sounded full of fear. They all made their way to one of the corridors finding Tobi with his back up against (Y/n)'s bedroom door. There were strange noises coming from the room but no one paid them any mind since for the first time they were interested in what Tobi had to say.

"What's wrong with you, brat?", Sasori asked in a bored tone. The masked man took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. Once he was relaxed he was able to speak...barely though.

"T-Tobi was just going to see (Y-Y/n)-chan but when Tobi w-went into her room she went crazy and tried to hurt Tobi", he panted, sounding more scared than any of the others had ever heard him. Konan looked at the door with an expression of concern on her face.

"I'm going in", she announces boldly, taking a step forward. But before she could get close enough, Sasori raised his hand in front of her, making her stop.

"We aren't sure if it's safe yet, let's send in someone else". He let bright blue chakra threads extend from the ends of his fingers, latching onto the limbs of the immortal. Hidan's eyes widened as did his mouth but it was too late, the door was opened and he was shoved inside. The door slammed behind him, trapping him inside the room. He banged on the door, swearing at the other members who stood by and allowed him to be used as a Guinea pig. Suddenly the banging stopped, the sound of a low animalistic growl growing louder. For the first time Hidan was silent.

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