6. I can help you

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We stopped at a cafe after she agreed to.

I bought us a bottle of coffee each and sat on a table.

"You know I.....I was really worried about you. You've never been so quiet in class. N-not that I'm saying you're very noisy or I'm uncomfortable sitting beaide you or what but...you get it, right?" I say, awkwardly.

"Show her that you're sincere to help her with any problem she's facing as a friend"

His words played in my head. I... really do care. But like, I don't know how to show it? Wouldn't it be weird?

"You see, I'm not trying to be busybody or anything but... are you okay? Oh and I am really, truly sorry for what happened this morning. It honestly wasn't my intention to make you cry..."

"I have family problems..."

What? Oh my, it must've been so bad for her.


"Just, I'm not as rich as you. I don't have my future fully planned no matter how well or worst I do in my tests like you. It is really hard for me you know?"


"My father. He's always drunk. Short tempered that he always hit me and my mom. He's barely even home, probably out gambling, and each time he's home, all he does is asks for money. This time, he took our savings and I can't fake happiness, alright?"


"No it's okay. Well it obviously isn't your fault that my life is like this"

"Also, I was planning to enter an online comic competition that my drawing teacher suggested to me. By the way, I went to a drawing class. And everything that I need for that competition is there at the center"

"Let's brush this off shall we? I mean, I understand what you mean by it. I know I'm kinda weird if I stay so silent. I'm sorry for not talking to you today, okay?"

"Uhhh...what's about the competition that's so important?" I can't help but wanting to know more about it.

"Top 3 winners will get a scholarship to Smeraldo University. Eventhough I'm an only child, my family, I mean like just my mom, can't quite afford to send me to a uni. Especially with my father constantly...."

"What exactly do you need to draw an online comic?"

"A desktop or laptop and of course a drawing pad. Both which I can't afford. I mean, at one point I might do, but in my situation there's a lot more other ways to spend that money rather than on those type of things. I just really love drawing"

Wait... I have all of those. I mean, a desktop....of course I have one. Not trying to show off, though. And a drawing pad that my aunt gave to me last year. It isn't even out the box yet. It's technically still new. I'm sure it can still be used.

"What about your history portfolio? Have you finished it? And why are you so clueless about it when every school do it every single year. Or maybe your old school doesn't?" She ask. Changing the topic. Little does she knows I barely passed my exams at my old school and handed in probably -1 worksheets. When I first came into my current school I was put in the first class because my mother said so and nobody would like to deny her request. If truly being said, I'm probably in the lowest class. If not repeating the same grade again. But I usually do pretty well on final year exams just to make sure I'm not repeating my grades. And by 'well' I mean I passed every single subject

"Well...my neighbour's dog ate my papers" I joke and surprisingly enough, it works. She laughed and doesn't show any sign of continuing to talk about it. Which is what I'm happy about.


"You know we should get going now" She say and take her last sip and so did I.

We walk outside and were near to my bike when I suddenly don't know how to control my mouth.

"I can help you"

"What?" Her face looks so confused.

"I have a desktop and a drawing pad. You can use mine."

"That's very nice of you but like...how though?"

"You can come to my house anytime you want"

*Mentally slap self*

What the hell Jungkook? You good bro?


That's just straight up creepy. Oh god I hope she doesn't hate me after th-

"I would love too!!!" She exclaim. I see sparkles in her eyes. She's smiling again.


Thank goodness!

"You can come any day when you're ready" I say, smiling.

*Haeyoung's POV*

"You can come any day you when you're ready" He say, smiling sweetly.

How? Where am I? Who am I?

He'd probably thinks it's weird to say so but it realy wasn't. Actually, he think of pretty much everything in a weird way. I wonder how or who he social with in his old school.

If I tell my friends about this, they would probably freak out but.. I don't know... I just saw the sincerity in his eyes. Not sure how but...I know.

"Thank you so much!! I'm so excited!!!" I cheer and throw myself into his arms.


"I-uhhh..that was I'm- Iwasjusttooexcitedsorry"

I stutter and look the other direction after pulling away.

"Uhh... w-we should get going now" He awkwardly state.

"Yeah..yeah I agree"

"Thanks for giving me a ride"

"You're welcome"

"K bye" I say and quickly run into the restaurant.

Today was....what the hell was today? First he made me cry and then he make me smile.

*Jungkook's POV*

She actually hugged me. Omg. What is this feeling? I've obviously hugged girls before but her... there's something about her.. I couldn't bare to think any further.

And why did she ask me to stop at that restaurant? Was she about to eat noodles? If so then why didn't she invite me? I can treat her. Maybe it's because we're kinda awkward the whole ride after the hug that no one thought was coming...

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