8. Ramen

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*Haeyoung's POV*

"Let's go" I say to V as we both head out the library together. He offered to walk me home but I refused because Yeeun is waiting for me already. I'm sure that just the idea of a member of the literal kingka squad at this school walking home with us will creep her out.

We walk down the empty corridor just to hear a weird sound. Kissing sounds.

"Waahhhh.... You go boi!" V chants silently while chuckling as we saw who was kissing who.


What? Why's he making out with Hera? He said he didn't have any feelings for her. That's why he always ignores her. But now...

Look,I'm not jealous okay...he can kiss anyone he wants. Did he lie to me about not having feelings for Hera? No...he looks like he's telling the truth. If he is then what? He's just using her now?

Hera has not been showing great impressions to me each time we meet face to face anywhere at school. But as a girl... Ugh, He's just a stupid good looking freakin playboy!

"Hey w-wait" V say as I walk fast to the opposite direction towards the gate.

"What's wrong?" V pull my wrist and turn me around. It's either he pulled my hand too firmly or I'm just so weak, our bodies are so close right now and now our faces are almost touching.

"I- nothing...I'm just late y-you know Yeeun's waiting I'll get going now bye" I sput out as I wriggle my wrist out his grip and ran towards Yeeun who's back facing the front. Thank god.

"What took you so long?" Yeeun say, not even glancing at my face.

"Awhh Yeeun-oppa don't be mad at meeee" I make cute voices while hugging her from the side.

"Oh curse you" She laugh and push me away.

I look back as we walk and saw nothing there. V is gone and everbody've left. Well, there's a few more people at the field and library but nobody's there at the spot where what happened between me and V went down. I really hope nobody saw that....


*beep* *beep*

V: Haehae-ah! I'm infront of the restaurant you told me to come. Uhhh... I think there's too many people here. If you want to eat anywhere else I can treat you!

Haeyoung: No no no just come in. I'm already hereee.

I turn off my phone. V is here for me to teach him science. Honestly I don't know since when we're close. He cheered me up when I'm down and started conversations first. It really is weird that this is our relationship now but he seems genuinely nice and sweet, kinda cute too so I trust him.

He looks around as he enter my restaurant. Well, my mother's to be exact.

"V! Over here" I raise my hand and he smile looking at me. Ahh.... isn't that just the sweetest smile.

"Oohhh what a good looking lad you got there" My mom jokes.

"Mom!" I scold her. My cheeks flushed which makes her laugh out loud.

"Haehae-ah" He smile as he sit across me on a table for four. The table we're sitting is closer to the kitchen which is the place where I always do my homework while helping my mom a little bit.

"Wahh...why this restaurant? There's so many people. Food here must've tasted good. You think?" He ask. Completely pointless that this restaurant is mine.

"Oh thanks. You know if you wanna try, I can treat you a bowl"

"Yeah sure. Studying can wait" He chuckles.

"Mom can I have a bowl of black noodles" I yell across the restaurant but it's not like anybody budge at all. A lot of our customers are regulars. Most of them already know that I'm the daughter here.

"One bowl of black noodle on the way"

"Mom?" V ask looking super confused. He's so kewt.

"Yeah she's my mom" I say, trying to hold my laughter.

"So she work here...?"

"Yes but not exactly"

"What" He state which made me laugh out loud.

"Why're you laughing at me I'm confused right now" He pouts.

"Here's your black noodle study hard kids" My mom put the black noodle on our table and go serve another table right after.

"This restaurant is mine, V"

"Oh really? No wonder" His face lit up, finally founding answers for his questions.

"Here you go" I push the bowl towards him after I'm done mixing it for him.

"You know, I'm not that hungry. What about we share?" He ask.

"Yeah sure" I say and take another pair of chopsticks from the cutlery holder.

After that we start eating but learning at the same time.

"Alright now this one.." I point out as I scoot more noodle into my mouth and so do him.

"Dish one" His pronunciation is not so clear because his mouth is full of noodles.

Without noticing, our faces become closer and closer to each other as a string of noodle is shared by V and I.

We stop sucking the noodle when our forehead bumps and our lips just an inch apart.

It feels like the time had stopped.

We look into each others eyes and I admire his facial features. Is he really human? Or a god? He's completely perfect.

Oh my god Haeyoung what the hell?

I break the silence by biting the noodle in my mouth and clearing my throat.

"Ah..mmmm" V also looks like he just snapped back to reality as he slurp the noodle into his mouth.

It is now almost 10:30 pm and I'm getting hungry again. Yes, I have a big appetite. Got a problem?

"It's kinda late already. Wanna leave after you eat some ramen?"

"W-hat?" He chokes while drinking his juice.

"Are you oka- wait a minute..." I'm finally realizing what I just said.

"YAH! That's not what I mean you little.." I started to laugh and he did too.

"Sorry I... like my mind... never mind" He laugh.

I got up to prepare the ramen and we eat it together. Like the cup noodle, okay.

"Thank you for the meal and the lesson Haehae" He smile widely now that we're infront of the restaurant and he's leaving.

"You're welcome..it's nothing" I say.

"Alright bye and thanks again.. See you at school!!" He exclaim as he enter his car. Damn an audi and a driver. This boy sure has a bright future.

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