Wrong Number- I (BrightxRome)

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"Bright" - Bright
"Rome" - Rome

Arthit, Prem, Knot and Toota were in the cafeteria eating their lunch when Bright appeared. Bright looked like the storm has hit him and was behaving lifeless. He sat on the bench, put his head on the table and sighs. Arthit and Knot exchange looks and decided to ignore Bright as he was too much for them to manage.

Prem left in a hurry as he was becoming late for his class which left only Toota to deal with Bright.

"What with that ugly pug face?" Toota asked studying Bright's reaction but was surprised when Bright didn't scream or yell like he usually does.

"Prewn broke up with me, " Bright said without looking up as he draws circles on the table.

"What's the reason this time?" Arthit asked as he was used to Bright's breakups.

"She says I'm too loud and cheesy. How could it be possible!! That girl can't get a better boyfriend than me!" Bright shouted suddenly looking at his friends for agreement.

"Admit it Bright, what that girl said is not unreasonable. This is 12th girl who broke up with you because of that reason" Knot told Bright.

"Oh! You guys know absolutely nothing! Wait till I find the person perfect for me!" Bright said in irritation.

"Why don't you try your charm on boys this time, maybe you find your lucky one?" Toota suggested.

"What! I'm straight as Fishing rode!" Bright said puffing his chest.

"Fishing rode is bend" Knot points out.

"I mean as straight as..." Bright thought but couldn't come up with any figure.

"We got it, we got it, come on Knot, We are almost late for class. I thought you need to meet Tew before heading to class" Arthit told Knot.

"Let's go" Knot follows Arthit and they together left the cafeteria.

"Go away!! Some friends you guys are!" Bright scream as he stands on the table which gains other people's attention.

"Get down you idiot!" Toota scolds Bright who sits on the table and glares Toota.

"I can help you if you want," Toota said playing game on his phone, trying to distract Bright who started sulking again.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Bright asked in wonder.

"I know this cute person, maybe you two suit each other" Toota replied with a sly smile


"A junior, I can just give you the number. All other details about that person, you have to find out by yourself" Toota told Bright.

"This is not a trap, right? You aren't working for some old lady, who need fresh handsome boys and you decided​ to sacrifice me?" Bright asked.

"You want the number or not?" Toota asked getting annoyed.

"Give me!" Bright asked, taking out his phone from his jeans' pocket.

"What I get in the return?" Toota asked while searching for the number in his phone.

"Sister-In-Law" Bright replies.

"What the hell! Forget about it then!" Toota said and was about to leave but Bright stops him.

"I will buy you lunch for a week?" Bright offers, holding Toota's hands so that he won't escape.

"Deal, here's the number" Toota message Bright the number.

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