Hanging Out Together (EmxAawn)

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So this chapter is on EmxAawn, therefore it means it is based on past not on the future. Enjoy reading
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Aawn was sleeping peaceful in his dorm when his phone started ringing. He groans in annoyance and pulled the blanket over his head but the phone kept on ringing. He picked up the phone and answers the call.

"The person you are trying to call is currently on aestivation, please call during spring. Thank you"

Aawn switched off his Phone and went back to sleep but woke up half an hour later when someone started banging his door. He climbed off his bed and went to open the door. When open the door, he found smiling Em standing in front of the door.

"Rise and Shine!! Sleepy head!" Em shouted as he pulled Aawn into backhug to stop him from going back to bed

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"Rise and Shine!! Sleepy head!" Em shouted as he pulled Aawn into backhug to stop him from going back to bed.

"Let me go!!" Aawn yells at Em as he tried to get back to the bed.

"No Phee! We are going on the date!" Em said pulling Aawn.

"No! I want to sleep!" Aawn told Em as he dragged Em towards the bed. Em was shocked with Aawn's will power to get back to bed and tried his best to stop the sleepy senior.

"If you love me then you will stop!" Em shouted which made Aawn stiff for a minute. Em sighs in relief and smiles.

"I can't choose between you and Bed!!! What should I do? " Aawn said looking at Em with serious expression. Em chuckle looking at Aawn's thoughtful expression as he pulled Aawn to sit on the bed beside him.

"Good! Now go on a date with me since you're awake" Em suggested. Aawn thought for awhile and then reply.

"I guess you're right, let me change" Aawn started taking out his shirt when noticed Em staring him with lustful look.

"Look other side" Aawn order Em who pouts.

"Why? We've already done it so many times Phee, why are you getting all shy now?" Em asked innocently as he went closer to Aawn and lifts up his shirt. Aawn slaps his hand away and pushed Em. He picked up his outfit and went to change in bathroom without answering Em. Em chuckles and picks up Aawn's phone which was switched off. He switched on the phone and tried to access the phone but found it locked.

"Aawn! What's your phone password?" Em shouted.

"Oi! Brat it's P'Aawn!! And it's puppy's birth date" Aawn shouts back.

"Puppy? Which puppy?" Em thought but laughed when remembered that he was the puppy. He unlocked the phone and saw his and Aawn hugging pic as wallpaper. He grins and started taking his own selca in different pose. After being satisfied with amount of pic, he started going through gallery.

"I'm ready, let's go before I change my mind" Aawn said coming out of bathroom. Em looks at Aawn and frowns.

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