Chaotic Marriage -II

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Here's the second part with glimpse of other characters in future and their own future.
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Once the cake where served, Arthit and Kongpop were dragged by their parents to meet some quests. Wad, Tew and Rome were busy checking the food arrangements before it was time for dinner and also Rome was making sure Bright didn't touch any sweets before serving.

Which left the seniors gang and Em to deal with guests. Toota was busy managing his own boyfriend as that boy now man would do stupid antic to gain his boyfriend's attention.

The group were chatting on the stage when a familiar figure approach them. They look at the person in both surprise and shock as they were seeing him after 5 years.

"P'Deer!" Prem said more likely yells. They all wai to the senior and couldn't help but smile seeing him after a long time.

"Hello everyone, how are you all? It's been long time since we saw each other, isn't it?" Deer asked.

"P! You disappeared after your graduation! We couldn't contact you nor even get to know anything about you!!" Toota told senior.

"I left Thailand once my graduation was over, I have been in China since then" Deer said looking at Toota longingly. Ryu wraps his arm around Toota not liking the way Deer stares Toota.

"How did you know today is Arthit's marriage?" Knot asked the senior in wonder.

"Kongpop's company is partner with me, I came to know by the employs and decided to surprise you all" Deer told them.

"So.. Are you alone? Or you came here with someone?" Toota asked looking around.

"I came here with my brother and his fiance" Deer replies staring Toota.

"Oh" Toota uncomfortably looks between Ryu and Deer. As both where glaring each other.

"Toota can talk in private" Deer asked catching Toota off guard.

"Um... Sure" Toota replied and followed Deer, not seeing the hurt look on Ryu's face.

"Em and Ryu, go and tell Arthit and Kongpop that P'Deer is here" Knot ordered the juniors. They nodded and left to search for Kongpop and Arthit.

"Why are you sad?" Em asked Ryu when noticed Ryu's dull face.

"Um.. Nothing" Ryu replied and trying to look around for distraction.

"Ryu! Tell me" Em forces Ryu.

"It just, I know that P'Toota likes P'Deer. Before we started dated, P told me about him, I'm afraid that now that P'Deer has returned P'Toota would want to be with him instead of me" Ryu told Em his worries.

"Stop thinking that way, you're P'Toota's present and P'Deer is his past. I will look for Kongpop and Arthit, you go search for P'Toota" Em said.

"Are you sure? P'Knot ordered us..."

"Yes, now go! Don't worry about P'Knot" Em pushes Ryu in direction in which Toota and Deer went.

Em was looking for Kongpop when he heard some commotion going on outside the hall, he decided to check what's happening and found a man shouting at another man who looked younger than him.

"What's going on here?" Em went towards the pair and interferes in their fight. Em stood in front of shorter man and face the older one.

"Stay out! This is our personal matter!" The man who was previously shouting told Em.

"You're creating drama here, so it is my business!" Em told the rude man

"Fine! We will discuss about this at home!" The man told the another one and left on anger.

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