Educationally Involved (KnotxTew)

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Knot and Tew started dating when their study sessions become more than related to studies. Tew would often come to Knot's dorm for study purpose and Knot love helping his Nong.

Knot 3rd year Tew 1st year

"Let's go out for Club" Toota shouted in excitement.

"I can't, I have date with some random girl" Bright said as he was busy playing game on his phone.

"I'm free" Prem answered.

"Don't know have to go out with your lover boy?" Toota teases Prem.

"He is not my lover! We are just friends!" Prem yelled being annoyed of his friends teasing him about Wad.

"Ya! Whatever helps you to sleep at night" Toota whispers.

"I'm have plans with Kongpop" Arthit told other while he completes his assignment.

"Since you guys started dating, we hardly spent time together! Knot order them to come with us" Toota pleaded Knot.

"Sorry Toota but I can't join.. I need to help Tew with his studies" Knot told Toota.

" Not you too! Knot!" Knot ignored his friends protest and left for his dorm.

"I'm sorry! I'm late" Knot apologies as he reached his dorm. Tew was already sitting on Knot's bed with all his book spread on the bed. Knot gave Tew his dorm keys so that Tew don't have to wait for Knot.

"It's ok P, let's start the revision" Tew said as Knot sat next to him. Knot helped Tew with his studies and they didn't  realise that it already 9 pm.

"P I'm hungry" Tew said while pouting as his stomach made grumbling sound.

"Complete your work, I'm ordering us dinner" Knot informed Tew.

Food arrived after half an hour and by the time Tew completed his work it was already past 12.

"You can stay here tonight Tew" Knot offers as Tew pack his thing.

"It's alright P, I don't want to trouble you" Tew replied.

"It's not trouble, take bath I will provide you some clean clothes" Knot ordered Tew. Tew sighs and went to take bath.

After getting ready for bed, Tew awkwardly stare Knot and then bed.

"P are we sharing bed?"

"Yes.. I don't plan to sleep on floor.. Nor I believe you wish too" Knot said as put extra blanket on bed.

"I'm fine with sleeping on the floor" Tew told Knot.

"Tew, it winter season. Floor must be  cold! Don't be an idiot!" Knot scolded Tew.

In the middle of night, Knot woke up with intense pain in his stomach and feeling cold. He looked around in confusion and then noticed Tew occupy three forth of the bed and whole blanket.

Knot pushed Tew over his own side and put blanket on them. But later at night, he woke up again being thrown out of bed.

Knot sighs and decided to wake up Tew. He shook Tew for some time but got no response.

"Tew! Tew! Wake up" Tew woke up and looks Knot in confusion.

"P... It's still early!why did you wake me up?" Tew complains.

"You threw me out of bed" Knot told Tew. Tew blink few times and saw Knot siting on the floor.

"P! I'm so sorry! That's why I didn't want to sleep on the bed same with you" Tew explained.

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