Wrong Number- II

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Rome was in the club room, messaging Bright and keeps on giggling. He tried to make less noise by putting hand to his mouth as other people working around him kept giving him an irritated look.

"What's black, red, black, red, black, red?"

" Hm... I don't know P"

" A zebra with a sun burn... I got one more! Why are pigs not allowed to ride bikes?"

"Maybe because they didn't have license?"

"Because they lack the thumbs to ring the bell.....Whenever I'm sad I just read my blood donor ID. You know why?

" Why P? "

" It always says "B positive"   A crying son runs to his mom: "Mom, mom, (sniff), Grandpa slapped me in the face."
Grandpa approaches: "Stop lying or I'll do it again!"

"Rome what are doing?" Emma asked as she came in the club room and saw Rome laughing. She went near Rome and look at his phone from behind.

"I don't know what he is doing! But he has gone insane! See!! He is laughing like a mad man" Porsche complains as he was sitting next to Rome.

"Are you texting that unknown number boy?" Emma asked in concern.

"Unknown number boy?" Porsche asked, keeping his work away and paying full attention to Emma and Rome.

"Ya, month ago someone messaged Rome by unknown number and now Rome chat with that guy daily!" Emma told Porsche.

"Rome! You can't chat with some strangers like that! What if he is some short of pervert or he is serial killer who is trying to lurk you onto his trap?" Porsche said in horror.

"P!! don't worry! He is safe person" Rome assured Porsche.

"And what makes you believe so? You don't even know how he looks! Or who is he? " Emma asked in irritation.

"P'Bright always send me his funny tales or some jokes! Nothing suspicious at all!! I know he is good person" Rome said showing them their chat history.

"Bright? Bright... Bright.. I think I have heard that name before, but I don't recall where" Porsche said in deep thought.

"Where P? Do you know him?" Rome asked excitedly.

"I can't remember.. Sorry Rome but I will tell you once I remember where I have heard that name" Porsche assured Rome.

A Week Later...

"Be free tomorrow" Emma ordered Rome who was engaged on his phone.

"Why? Are we going anywhere?" Rome asked Emma.

"Yes, my dad want me to visit their friend home. They have cat who has given birth to kittens week ago. I am planning to take in a kitten" Emma told Rome.

"Do I have to go with you? "

"Yes! Because it would be awkward going there alone"

"Fine, I will accompany you" Rome said and went back texting on his phone.

"Rome you like this Bright person don't you?" Emma asked as she watches Rome smile while reading the messages.

"Huh?" Rome looks at Emma in confusion.

"You like Bright"

"Wh..what makes you think that" Rome asked avoiding looking at Emma.

"You're always either texting him or checking your phone for his message. Also you stammer and blush right now when I asked about him" Emma points out.

"May.. Maybe I do" Rome whispers

"You definitely do!"

Next day, Emma picked up Rome from his home at 10:00am. She drove them to their destination. Once they reached the house, Rome rang the bell and stood still.

Bright opens the door in half sleeping state and looks at Rome who standing in front of door.

"Sorry cutie but I'm not planning to make any donation.. My parents don't pay me enough and if I give you money I will be dwelling in poverty" Bright closed the door on Rome's face leaving Rome stunned and Emma laughing.

Rome again rang the bell and tap his foot in anticipation. Bright opens the door and sighs looking at Rome.

"You're so persistent.. Here take this.. This is only money I have right now" Bright handed Rome some money and was about to close the door but Rome stops him.

"P! I'm not here for some donation purpose!!" Rome shouted. Bright blinks his eyes and then looks towards Emma who was laughing badly.

"Emma? Oh! Sorry! I thought that you're those annoying kid who ask for donations! I'm sorry! Come inside" Bright invites them inside.

Emma rushed to the backyard to watch the kittens leaving Rome alone with Bright.

"So...." Bright tried to speak.

"I'm Bright! 4th year Engineering student and you're? Sorry about earlier but with your small built anyone will mistake you as kid" Rome was shocked on hearing Bright's name, he wasn't sure if his P'Bright and this Bright same person but for a second he felt that they are same person.

'Their name are same! And both are 4th year engineering student! This couldn't be coincidence now!' Rome thought staring Bright.

"Hey! Are you alive!!!" Bright scream shaking Rome.

'They are same person' Rome thought with blank expression, on seeing Bright's behaviour.

"I'm fine, and my name is Rome"

"Hey! I have a text buddy! And her name is Rome too!!" Bright said excitedly.

'He is really dumb!!!' Rome thought and felt like crying at Bright's stupidity.

"Are you sure P that she is she not he?" Rome asked afraid that Bright might stop talking to him if he knows that he is boy not girl.

"I'm not sure.. Well it doesn't matter! Rome is fun to talk" Bright told Rome who smiles to hearing Bright.

"P'Bright!???" Emma came inside carrying white kitten but stopped when she realised that person in front of her goes by the same name as her best friend's text buddy. She looks at Rome for confirmation and Rome nods in return.

"Iehh.. I'm taking this kitten" Emma told Bright.

"OK! Take care of it and don't come back to return it. I will tell mom that you came"

"Bye P" Emma and Rome left in hurry. In car, Rome was quiet which made Emma worried.

"What happened?" Emma asked.

"P'Bright thinks that I'm a girl "

"Then tell him that you're not girl but a boy"

"But what if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore after knowing that?" Rome asked in worry.

"Rome tell P'Bright before it's be late and you regret it"

Next part will the last part of 'How They Met'

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