I Don't Like You Cause I Like You? (BrightxRome)

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Rome and Emma were in the club room. Emma was waiting for Porsche whereas Rome was texting Bright.

"How long do you know P'Bright Rome?" Emma asked out of blue. Rome looks towards Emma and think for a while.

"It's seven months since we are texting each other and five months since we are hanging out together" Rome replies

"Are planning to make move on P'Bright or not?" Emma asked.

"P is stupid. Even if I went infront of him holding board written I love you, he will still don't understand what it suppose to mean" Rome spoke.

"Then are you planning to be just friends forever?" Emma asked in worry.

"No, I'm waiting for him to realise that he loves me" Rome answered

"And what makes you sure that will happen?" She asked in curiosity.

"P gets jealous whenever someone tries to get close to me I hope he understands soon that he is jealous because he loves me not because I'm his cute little friend" Rome said in annoyance remembering all those time when Bright call him friends.

"If you leave it on P'Bright it won't happen in this life, you need to do something to provoke him" Emma suggested.

"Something like what?" Rome asked in interest.

"Make him jealous! Simple"

"But how?" Rome asked in confusion.

"Well you can use someone to make him jealous! How about we ask P'Porsche for help?" Emma asked excitedly.

"Na, he is your boyfriend! What if he fall for me instead?" Rome jokes

"Well I don't have problem sharing him with my best friend! It will look so hot to watch my boyfriend and bestfriend make out" Emma spoke.

"Gross! Emma Ew!" Rome shouts at imagining it happen.

"Just kidding! We can use P'Din! Now that everything is good between you two I'm sure he will help us" Emma said.

"Hm.. Maybe he can" Rome said thoughtfully.

Next day Rome asked Din to go out for lunch with him. Once his classes were over he and Din left for restaurant. While having his lunch, Rome received a call from Bright.

"Hello P" Rome spoke.

"Rome where are you? I'm standing outside your building" Bright asked.

"P I'm sorry I can't have lunch with you and others"

"Why? Are you sick?" Bright asked in worry.

"No P! I'm having lunch with my senior"

"Which senior? Why? Did he force you? Tell me where you two are?" Bright asked in anger.

"P calm down! I will see to later, no need to worry or come here! Bye"

"But Rome!" Before Bright can ask any more questions, Rome ended the call.

"Who was it?" Din asked Rome.

"It was P'Bright" Rome replied.

"Should I be worried for myself?" Din asked as joke.

"Ah! P"

"Just kidding! Bright is kind of possessive about you, I don't want him on come after me" Din spoke.

"Don't worry about him P!" Rome assured Din.

For a couple of weeks, Rome avoided Bright saying that he is busy helping his senior. Bright was frustrated, he decided to wait for Rome outside his club so that Rome can't escape.

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