Their Misery (Kongpop / Tew /Wad)

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This chapter is based on what basically happened just before the juniors came to past.
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This was the third time in this week when Kongpop arrived at home and found Arthit busy working at laptop or doing paper work.

"P'Arthit take a break. You might be tired" Kongpop suggested as he massage Arthit's stiffed shoulders.

"I can't Kongpop, I need to submit these files by tomorrow. Can you order take outs? I don't think I can cook anything tonight" Arthit told Kongpop.

"That's fine" Kongpop said as he went to order the food.

"Phee, eat then work! Don't do both the work together" Kongpop frowns as he watch Arthit eating while working on his laptop.

"I'm good, don't worry" Arthit said without looking at Kongpop. Kongpop sighs and takes the food from Arthit's hand.

"Let me feed you, ok" Arthit smiles shyly and let Kongpop feed him.

"Phee where do you want to go on our anniversary?" Kongpop asked Arthit as they lay side by side after the tiring day at work.

"Hm.. You choose, I don't have any idea" Arthit said feeling sleepy.

"How about Maldives? I heard it's beautiful place" Kongpop asked excitedly.

"Sure..." Arthit said in sleepy state.

"I will book the tickets...."

"Kongpop, let's talk about this is the morning. I want to sleep right now" Arthit told Kongpop.

"Ah.. Fine Phee" Kongpop turns off the lights and pulled the cover over them

"Good night P'Arthit" Kongpop whispers and kissed Arthit's forehead.

Next morning Kongpop decided to make the breakfast as Arthit slept late due to his work. He was not good at cooking so he prepared sandwiches, fruit salad and milk for them.

"Good morning" Arthit greeted Kongpop as he entered the kitchen.

"Good morning P'Arthit" Kongpop greeted back and put the food on the table. Arthit took the seat at the dinning table and smiles when saw the breakfast prepared by Kongpop.

"Thanks" Arthit started eating the food as he needed to go to office early.

"Phee, Let's discuss about our trip"

"Kongpop, why don't you plan everything? You know I'm not good with planning trips" Arthit told Kongpop

"Ok" Kongpop said with smile but he was unhappy with Arthit's behaviour.


"Congratulations!!" The guest wished Tew and Knot as he handed them the gift. Tew and Knot got married today and Tew couldn't stop smiling.

"Group photo!!" Someone shouted as everyone circle the newly Wed couple.

Later At Night

The newly wedded couple arrived to their new home. Knot had bought a new home for them and Tew love this house.

Knot carried Tew in their new bedroom and then lay him on the bed. He was about to kiss Tew when his phone started ringing, Tew gave him annoyed looked as he went to receive the call.

"Tew, we can't go to our honeymoon" Knot told Tew as he sat next to him. Tew looked at Knot in confusion and asked.

"Why? What happened?"

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