EPILOGUE I - To get marry was a small thing

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When the little couple cheerfully told Lauren's parents and Chris about their marriage, they were all immobile, except Taylor who was cheering happily behind.

She didn't have the chance to see the other half of her sister. Her parents and brother didn't allow her to fly to Miami to disturb her sister's life. And now the chance finally came.

Clara finally replied after a long time. "But you are already married for half a year, isn't it?"

"It's different." Lauren answered seriously. "I'm really in love with Camz. I proposed decently to her yesterday."

At the same time, the TV news behind was now playing a video recorded by some witness yesterday at the cinema. A girl proposing to a girl. Making the crowd around crying in tears.

The three people were frozen again. Despite the potato quality of the video, they could recognise the daughter/sister they had brought up for more than twenty years.

"...... Let her be." Mike who loved her big daughter very much had finally found his voice back. "Let her be."

Clara hanged up after talking mechanically for a few more words. The three still couldn't recover from their shocked status. They thought Lauren just found a girl who had the matching quantities to get along with. They never thought she would fall in love with her. Lauren had been hurt so much on her road of finding love. They had prayed not to let Lauren fall in love with anyone again, but......

"Brad told me he had tried to make up with Lauren..." Chris said quietly. Mike and Clara widened their eyes at this. "...... But Lauren rejected him." The feeling of Chris to Lauren was guilty apart from the love of brothers and sisters. He didn't want her to get hurt again.

The two olds sighed in relief.

"Luckily it is Camila. Luckily..."

They didn't know what they could do apart from repeating this sentence.


So the problem on Lauren's side was solved. The Jauregui family had been informed about the marriage long time ago. Now what about Camila's side?

Camila fretfully ran her hand through her hair. How could she do this?

Lauren gulped. She found the role of being a flatmate was much easier. The role of a fiance was somehow terrible......

She didn't know if she would be killed if she told Camila "how about we be flatmates forever".

Last time the Cabello family was smiling brightly when in front of her. But this time......

Camila's parents, Alejandro and Sinu, were sitting on two sides and Camila and Lauren in the middle. Camila's younger sister, Sofia, was sitting opposite to them. Three pairs of eyes, six in total, were staring at them. Two of them sat straight and placed their hands on the knees under the pressure.

Lauren sweared to god, she hadn't been sitting like this after she graduated from the elementary school.

"Mami, Papi..." Camila could hardly open her mouth. But the sights from the six eyes made her feel weak again. "I got... married..." Her voice was so small that Lauren who was sitting next to her could barely hear it, let alone the three horrifying people.

"Camila, you..." When Alejandro was going to tell Camila off that she couldn't be this impolite, his phone rang in his pocket. He paused and picked up the call. He suddenly had a big smile on his face after he said hello.

Lauren and Camila sighed in relief but they didn't want to make it to obvious. They secretly looked at each other but then looked down again to wait for Papa C to finish his call.

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