3. flowers of bliss

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walking in a field of flowers.

the sky is clear and beautiful.
a splash of soft yellows and vibrant purples.
the sun is gently stroking my skin.
the breezy air brushes against my ankles.
i look around the field.
the tall grass is dancing in time with the wind.
off in the distance i can see a dark figure; tall mysterious blurry around the edges.
i cannot figure out who it is. i squint but i can only see that they have short hair.
but i don't care. nothing matters anymore. my mind is at peace. everything is tranquil. i feel calm.
finally. bliss.


3.1. form



"Wake up Annie, time for school!"

My little brother Freddie shakes me violently. I forget where I am for a second. Oh right, I'm getting ready for school.

"Hurry up Annie or we're going to be late!" Mum yells from downstairs.
"I'm coming!" I yell back, flopping out of bed.
I check the time, curse, and get changed into my uniform.
I rush downstairs with my socks half on and I am welcomed by the smell of pancakes and bacon. No, I'm kidding, we're not that type of family. Cereal always.

"Ready for school Annie?" Mum asks, helping Freddie into his school coat.
"Physically, yes. Emotionally, never," I reply pouring some Cookie Crunch into my bowl.
"I have a meeting after school so I'll try to pick you up as soon as possible, okay?"
"Okay," I shrug.
"Where's James?" Mum asks, putting her hands on her hips, "He should be here by now".
"Busy doing his hair"
"Shut up Annie," James says as he comes into the kitchen on cue, subtly trying to fix his hair.
I roll my eyes.
"Hurry up James, I cannot be late for work!" Mum shouts.
"Alright woman!"
"I hope your hair gets trampled on," Freddie says.
James shoots him a look.

James is my twin brother who is younger than me by 16 minutes and way cares too much about his appearance.

"Better get to school then," mum says after we finished eating.

She drops James and I at our school and then drives away to Freddie's school.

"Oh look, your fan girls are coming James. Better get your hair ready" I point to a group of girls huddled in the corridor.
"Ha ha very funny. Oh look, your annoying friends are coming Annie. Better get the hell away from me".
"Gladly," I say and quickly mess up his hair before walking away.

"Hey Annie!" Libby my best friend greets me from behind.
"Hey Libs," I greet back.
"Did James do his hair again? It looks nice"
"Urm, what?"
"It looks decent"
I raise my eyebrows and Libby goes bright red.
We enter our form room.

"Annie you're late," Matteo says, checking his watch.
"Super late," Dylan also says, checking his imaginary watch.
"You don't have a watch," Cara says, whacking Dylan on the head.
"Nice to meet you too" I say dryly.

"Do anything fun on the weekend?" Cara asks sitting on a table.
"Nope," I reply, "you?"
"I went camping. Again"
"You always go camping. Was it fun?"
"It was okay".
"You always say it was 'okay'"
"Well there was this one guy who would not stop snoring in the other tent...!"

Cara began her millionth complaint story for the millionth time but I only half-listened to her story because I could feel someone watching me.
The hairs on the back of my neck prickled.
I turned around to see Harvey staring at me.
My voice died, my breath hitched.
Of course it was him. It was always him. Why wouldn't it be?
I turned back around and tried to ignore him like I always did, but I found myself getting more and more flustered because of him.

"You okay Annie?" Cara nudges me.
"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine, " I give her reassuring smile.
I take a quick glance back at Harvey who was thankfully busy talking to his friends.

No more drama and heartbreaks from now on, I tell myself, No more Harvey Mills.


Lol it's not Dylan max and Harvey's irl friend but you can pretend it's him
So I wanna write more books but if I release a new one I'll probably forget about the other ones I've been writing cos I have no attention span so I'll probably have to wait until they're done which is ajsjdbfhfjf


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