12. morning

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I turn around to see Max.
"Sorry I snapped at you yesterday I really didn't mean to. It's was just a really, really long day and I was tired and I-"
"Max- it's fine," I reply.
"Yes, really. You were just worried about your brother I get it"
"Yeah but I was being so moody-"
"Nothing is going to break our friendship again okay? I think we both had a long day"
"You're right. I'll see you?"
"Bye" I smile and walk away.
"Oh wait Annie, " Max says, pulling me back, "So um, Harvey's been really happy lately- he actually came home skipping yesterday... I was wondering if you might have had anything to do with it?"
"Maybe, " I shrug.
"Did you talk to him? "
"Yes I did. "
"Well, thanks, " he says, giving me a genuine smile.

We part our ways and as I turn a corner I walk into someone. Anthony.

"Watch where y- oh hey Annie, didn't see you there, " he laughs.
"Hey Ant, " I smile back.
" I did my maths homework, " he beams proudly.
"Wow, congrats. Can I copy yours? "
"And so the tables have turned, "he laughs again and gives me his book.
" I'll give it back during maths okay? " I say and walk past him.
"Wait Annie, I almost forgot to tell you- we're having this party- well not party, it's kind of like a small gathering- not gathering- more like,  well I don't really know.  Basically, some people are coming over to my house to just hang out and eat and I was wondering if you'd like to as well? You can bring your friends if you want. James, Dylan and Matteo are coming as well. "
"When? " I ask.
"After school?"
"Yeah I'll come"
"Cool" he says giving me a double thumbs up.
"Bye Anthony, " I say as I walk past him.
"Bye Annie. "

I walk into form and immediately see  and Libby and Matteo in a deep conversation.

"Gooood morning, " I say cheerfully and plop myself onto the seat next to Matteo.
They look startled.
"Hey Annie, " Libby smiles though she looks shocked.
"Hey," Matteo says, giving a small wave though his cheeks are going red.
I contemplate whether to ask them what's wrong but I decide that I don't care so I don't.
"So Anthony's invited me to his house along with some other friends after school today and I was wondering if you wanted to come? "
"I'm going, " Matteo responds.
"Libby? " I ask," James'll be there. "
"So what if he's there? " Libby scoffs.
"Might help making  your decision, "I smirk.
Matteo snorts.
"I was gonna say yes anyways, " she says, glaring at me and Matteo.
"Okay, whatever you say"

Libby rolls her eyes at me while muttering some rude words under her breath.

The bell rings and we all break up for first period, which is science. Kill me. I see James walk out of his form and immediately jog over to him.

"So Libby looks nice today," I say and walk beside him.
"Okay? " James says, giving me a look that clearly reads 'I don't give a duck please go away you're embarrassing me'.
I took no notice of his 'look' and continued, "You said you liked pretty girls... And Libby is pretty... "
"Urrr... What are you implying? "
"That you should ask her out you twat. "
"What are you? Her wing woman? "
"Does she fancy me or something? "
"Maybe, "I reply mysteriously.
"I'm not surprised, I am a lady's man," he says and grins at me.

I ignore his comment.

"Talk to her at Anthony's, okay?"
"Will do sis, " he winks and runs to catch up with his friends.

The Jibby Ship has sailed.


12.1. anthony's secret


We are all huddled in a circle in Anthony's living room playing the classic game of Never Have I Ever. Apparently Anthony is close friends with Max and Harvey so he invited them too. There are ten of us in total.

"Never have I ever..." Matteo starts, "Been in a relationship"

Dylan, Harvey, Anthony, James and I put one finger down.

"Never have I ever drank alcohol"

Libby, Cara, Harvey, Anthony and Max put their fingers down.

"Never have I ever said 'I love you' to someone without meaning it"

Harvey and Anthony put their fingers down.

"Never have I ever eaten something off the floor"

James, Dylan, Max, Cara and I put our fingers down shamefully.

"Never have I ever kissed someone"

Max, Harvey, James, Dylan, Cara and I put our fingers down.

"I've got a good one, " Cara begins, "Never have I ever kissed someone and regretted it. "

James, Max and I put our fingers down.

Max's cheeks go pink while I shift uncomfortably under Harvey's stare. I quickly look up to see that he is frowning and that his eyes are full of confusion and hurt. I look away to anywhere but him.

The game continues and rolls by until dinner, which was pizza and watching the Incredibles.

Halfway through the movie, Anthony nudges me and nods to the door and quietly slips away from the group whilst I follow him. We go up the stairs to his bedroom.

"I need to tell you something, " Anthony begins, closing the door.
"Sure what is it? " I ask, sitting on his bed.
"Well it's been a while and I thought I should tell you. It's just that... I- I don't really know how to say this um... " he blushes and looks away.
"Hey, you can tell me anything, "I say and put an encouraging hand on his.

He looks at our hands and back up at me. " I like you Annie. And I have for a while now and I get it if you don't like me back, but I just had to say it okay? I don't want this to ruin our friendship. "
Was not expecting that okay this is awkward.
"Wow Anthony. I don't really know what to say-"
"Don't say anything then"
"What? "

He closes the gap between us and cups the side of my faces and places his lips onto mine. I widen my eyes in shock and tried to process what was happening but someone had already caught us before I could pull away.

The door opened and standing in the hallway was Harvey Mills.

-oof edited

Ahaha poor Harvey

If anyone wants a best friend DM me ;)

Oh and I'm working on a new FF how exciting


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