18. gotcha

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It's morning and Max is still here.
My alarm clock reads 7:16am and knowing Max, I know he won't be up until 11 at the earliest, so I decide to take a walk to the park.
I put on a hoodie and joggers and go out.

Outside it is very cold and frost crunches beneath me as I walk onto the grass. The chilly air nips at my nose and my breath produces a small puff of smoke as I breathe out.
No one is here as far as I can see, so I sit on one on the swings and watch the sun begin to rise.
Suddenly, a hooded figure appears at my side and takes a seat on the other swing. They pull down their hood and Harvey's face is revealed.

"Hey," he replies, giving me a small, awkward smile.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"What are you doing here? This is where I usually come on Sunday mornings" he folds his arms and raises his eyebrows.
"Oh... I was just taking a walk to the park," I shrug.
"Because Max is still sleeping in your bedroom, right?"
How did he...?
"I saw him sneak off last night," he replies, before whispering, "Just when I needed him"
"Harvey, I didn't know-"
"It's fine- it was his choice- he chose you over me"

I didn't know what to say- Max chose me over Harvey?

We stay quiet, not knowing what to say as we rock back and forth on our swings. I turn my head to look at Harvey, read him, but his hazel eyes that were once so easy to see through are now protected with walls of solid hazel. Just staring at him brings back so many memories. I suddenly remember that this very place on the swings was our special spot. How could I forget? It was where we would meet up, have fun and goof around. It was where I fell in love with him.


I woke up to the sound of knocking. Stumbling out of bed through the dark I made my way to the source of the noise- my window.
Knowing it was Harvey, I opened it up.

"Harvey what are you doing here it's past midnight," I yawned.
"I want to take you somewhere," he replied.
I could see him grinning through the dark.
"Where can you take me it's midnight?"
"It's like 5 minutes away"
He made a puppy face and I tried to say 'no' but failed. Reluctantly, I grabbed some trainers and climbed out of the window onto the grass.
"Where are we going?" I asked impatiently, as I zipped up the coat he had given me.
"The park"
"Are you kidding?"
I turned to face him to see if he was joking but he looked serious as he nodded.

He woke me up in the middle of the night just to take me to the park?


We trudged through the dark quietly, only saying a few words to each other. It wasn't awkward- we were simply enjoying each other's company.

When we arrived I was surprised to see how empty and isolated the park was- not that I was expecting a bunch kids playing at 1am in the morning- but the sound of silence was a foreign thing to hear when usually screaming and shouting filled the air.

"Cool right," Harvey grinned.
"I've seen cooler," I replied, my heart jumping a little as I did.
He raised his eyebrows.
"Oh yeah?"
I nodded.
"Are you sure about that?"
He snaked his arms around my waist and I tried not to squirm as I once again nodded.
He looked me straight in the eye and I to him, keeping strong eye contact.
The ends of his mouth went up a little, and before I knew it, he tickled me.

"Do you want to go on the swings?" He asked after the tickle attack.
"Are you sure you won't tickle me again?"
"I'll try not to"
I rolled my eyes- I could never get a straight answer from Harvey.

We sat on the swings and talked about everything. It was nice talking to him; he was a surprisingly good listener and actually a good person if you got to know him.

I never knew he only dated two girls, one of which cheated on him, contrary to popular belief. And I was also surprised to hear he was very family devoted and didn't really like his dick head friend Josh, whom I thought he was bestfriends with.
Perhaps it was me who judged him wrong all along.

After our little conversation Harvey decided it would be fun to chase me, but this time it was fun for the both of us.

There was a roundabout between us, but we never broke eye contact.
The moonlight hit Harvey's eyes perfectly and they glowed and twinkled brightly through the darkness.
I could see the mischief dancing in them.

I ran out to the side and he did too. He was closing in on me, and all I could do was run faster.
My foot got caught on something and I felt myself falling. Suddenly, Harvey was in front of me and I fell safely into his arms.
He wrapped his arms around me tight and I felt my heart leap at his touch.
I could feel his hot breath against my neck as he whispered, "Gotcha".


That was the moment I realised I had feelings for Harvey.

I turn my head to look at him, but he's staring at the ground. He's smiling a little- I think he remembers coming here with me, all those months ago.

"I forgive you Harvey" I say.
"I forgive you"
Harvey looks as if he's about to say something but instead he smiles, a genuine smile.
"I'll see you tommorow?"

I sigh and get up. Feeling nostalgic, I look back at Harvey one last time before leaving, who went back to staring at the ground.
Forgiving people makes me feel good; I should do it more often.


If you need me I'll be binge watching shadow hunters

~c for cereal

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