6. anthony

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There is absolutely nothing between me and Anthony.

There shouldn't be anything between me and Anthony. There will never be anything between me and Anthony.
I look over to his table on the other side of the classroom. He sees me and waves. I wave back.
I know Anthony likes me. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy and all, but it's probably best if we just stayed as friends. He makes me happy but I don't want to get into another relationship again, nor do I want my heart broken again.
Sometimes I think that Anthony would never do that since he's so sweet to me, but then again, I was wrong about most guys who were sweet to me.
I look back at him- his chocolate curls bobbing up and down as he laughs with his friends.
He's too sweet for my taste anyways.

The bell rings and I grab my bag and head to my first lesson, which is maths. Anthony is only in my maths class, whereas Harvey is in all my classes. We've been in the same class since year 7, which in the past may have been great, but now not so much.

"Hey Annie, " Anthony jogs over and swings his arm around me casually.
"Hey Ant, " I smile at him.
"Have you done your maths homework? " he asks.
"Yeah, have you? "
" No... so could I borrow it? "
I roll my eyes, "Sure but you're buying me lunch "
"Better than a 30 minute detention," he grins.

I take out my maths book and hand it over to him.
"Be quick we're almost there"
"All right, all right. Give me a minute... There, " he hands me my maths book back just as we enter the classroom.
"Took you long enough"

I walk into the classroom and take my seat next to Dylan.
"Hey Dylan"
"Hey Annie," he replies, busily scribbling in his book.
"Woah smartest guy in school doing his homework during lessons? Wow, never seen that before"
"Oh shut up Annie I was busy yesterday"
"Nerd says the 's' word oh my-"
"I will break your fucking wrist if you don't shut up"
"I'll break your wrist"
"I'll delete Harvey from your phone "

I was about to reply but as if on cue Harvey walks in.
Everything slows down and we share eye contact for a few seconds before he finds his seat and sits down, which is in front of me.
Class finally starts but I find myself still staring at the back of his head, asking myself: when did this all go wrong?


Whoops I forgot to update yesterday ahahahaha
And about my other book, I'm still gonna continue it just not update as regularly cos I have no motivation for it anymore :)


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