NEW CHAPTER 19. monday

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"Freddie stop drawing in James's homework diary that's not yours!"
"Where are the Coco Pops? I want Coco Pops!"
"What James?"
"Freddie! You just spilt all the milk on the table!"
"There's no hair gel left!"
"Sign my diary!"
"Your hair looks fine James, wait Annie!"
"I'm huuuungryyy!"

A Monday at the Fletcher household.

"Right, enough, I want all of you to get out, we're going to school," Mum says firmly, pushing us all out.

Driving past the speed limit proved pointless since we all arrived late anyways.

"You're late," Libby says, as James and I sit down at our separate tables.
She opens her mouth-
"Again. I know Libby, I know," I reply tiredly.
"Hey Annie you're l-" someone begins to say.
"Yes I know Max!"
He looks slightly offended but I honestly don't care at this point.

I look around the classroom and notice an empty seat by the window- Harvey's seat.
"Hey, where's Harvey?" I ask Max.
"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you 'knew'" he snaps back.
I give him a look.
"I don't know," he replies, "I took the bus on my own"
"Did he sleep in?"
"He was eating breakfast when I left..."
"He probably just missed his bus or something"

I try to ignore the horrible feeling that was settling inside my stomach, though by the end of tutor time it was still there and Harvey was nowhere to be seen.

The bell rings and I head off to my first lesson which is French.
"Did we get any French homework?" I ask Matteo as we walk down the corridor together.
"No, I don't think so. But we have a test," he replies.
"Oh I completely forgot- I'm gonna do so badly"
"You're good at French, you'll do fine," he smiles reassuringly.
"Thanks," I say, giving a weak smile, though I am not totally convinced.

There's a slightly awkward silence between us like there always is when I try to talk to him.

"We're friends right?" I ask him.
"Yeah of course"
He smiles but I notice it's one of his awkward smiles. I smile back anyway.
Did I do something wrong?

As we walk past the field I see a large crowd of people surrounding something. Curious, I walk onto the grass and see that it is two people fighting.
My mouth drops open- it's Josh and Harvey.

I push through the crowd and see Josh pinning Harvey down. He towers over him and continuously punches him in the face until his knuckles begin to bleed.

I notice someone to the right holding up their phone.
"Hey stop recording this!" I say angrily, pulling down their phone and Matteo does the same to someone else.

Josh pauses to wipes the back of his hand on his trousers but Harvey takes the time to roll over and punch him back hard.

I try to run over to Harvey but Matteo holds me back, whispering ,"You'll just make things worse"
I bite the inside of my cheek, and watch.

Josh gains the upper hand again and he holds his fist in the air, about to punch him again, when Max runs in, pushing Josh off.
"Oi that's my brother!" He shouts.
Max punches Josh and he punches back, and they both get into a physical fight.
Harvey lays on the ground absolutely helpless, his face a bloody mess.
Matteo and I rush over to him.

"Did I win?" He asks weakly.
Matteo gives a sympathetic smile and says, "You did your best. You'll be okay Harvey"
"Why'd you do that?" I ask.
"Because..." he replies.
I hold his hands which are sticky from the blood.
"That was stupid," I say, and squeeze his hands.
"I know " he squeezes back.
I brush his hair out of his eyes.
"Please don't get into fights Harvey"
"I won't," he says,meeting my eyes.

The crowd which surrounded the fight are now scaterring away as the teachers arrive. I turn around to see Josh and Max arguing.

"I did not jump on you I was sticking up for my brother!" Max shouts at Josh.
"He just came out of nowhere sir!" Josh exclaims.
"Maybe that was the point!" Max retorts.
"It was an unprovoked attack!"
"I just saw you beat the hell out of my brother, how is that not unprovoked?!"
"It wasn't your business!"
"Gentlemen... calm down. We'll sort this out in the head teachers office with your parents" the teacher says sternly.
"Are we suspended?" Max asks.
"Definitely "
"Harvey should just kill himself honestly this is his fault" Josh says.
Max looks like he is about to kill Josh but the teacher puts his hand on his shoulder and gives Josh a stern look.

"Right you three off to class," he says pointing at Max, Matteo and I.
"What about Josh and Harvey?" Max asks as he hauls Harvey to his feet and swings his arm around his own shoulder.
"Medical and then isolation until the end of the day where their parents can pick them up"
"Can't I stay with Harvey?"
"You can accompany him to medical where you can get an ice pack but you are to go straight to lessons after that"
"No 'buts' Max, you are only making this situation worse. We're calling both of your parents, and Matteo and Annie, you can come see me at lunch since you are both witnesses "

As we leave I look back and catch Max's eye, but he looks down and doesn't say anything.
I can't help but feel like this was all my fault.

hi everyone!! (there is no one here🧍‍♀️)
i logged back into this silly app after four years and realised i never uploaded the remaining chapters i wrote! (i have no idea why i didn't upload them so please do not ask)

anyways, i would first like to apologise to my loyal readers and to anyone still reading (which is no one). my actions are inexcusable and i'm sorry for the immense disappointment i have caused. in my defence, i'm just a girl🎀

to my knowledge, i completely edited the whole book up and then didn't publish the rest, so if you are an og reader prepare to be shocked 🫨 and impressed 😏 i believe i took away a character and added some new ones (again, there is no one here)

if anyone cares, i started writing this when i was 13/14 and i am now 20! i am now in the trenches of application season for work experience and contemplating if i will get through this easter holiday (or this week because fuck me i have two apps due this week and have done nothing but rot) 😀

again, sorry for all the false promises and false hope i created ❤️

lots of love, C

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