4. let's talk

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It's after school now. The other girls are gathering their stuff from netball practice and I'm walking with Cara, who also does netball with me.


Running late, pick you up soon! Xxx
[sent 4:42pm]

Ok x
[read 4:42pm]


"Bye! " Cara waves goodbye to me as she walks down the road to the bus stop.
" Bye Libby!" I wave back.

I decide to go round the side of the school and wait there instead. I lean against the wall and wait for my mum to come.
There are bright yellow and purple flowers planted near the wall. But they're fake, flowers don't grown in October.

"Annie, " I heard someone say. Their voice was strained.
It was Harvey. I ignore him.
"Annie," he says, this time with more urge. "Can we talk?"
"There's nothing to talk about" I snap.
I could hear the urgency in his voice. He was never going to leave me alone.
"Two minutes "
"Look, I know I've told you before and you're probably sick of it now, but just please hear me out okay? "
"Go on then, " I motion him to start.
"I'm sorry for what I did to you Annie. I'm not making any excuses but I didn't know it would end up like this, and I shouldn't have agreed in the first place, but I thought that if I told you, you would break up with me, and for some reason, I didn't want that to happen. I made a mistake okay? And I know you have every right to not forgive me, but please forgive me. Please take me back. I promise I won't mess up this time. I need you. Please take me back Annie".
"No Harvey"
"Why can't you?"
"We're over Harvey"
" I can't lose you again. Please"
"Tell your stupid, little friends we're over"
I can't even look him in the eyes anymore. If I do I feel like I'll either punch him or burst into tears.

He takes my hands and holds them in his own. I look at him, surprised.
His eyes are filled with sadness and they almost look glossy.
I resist punching him.

" this isn't about them. I want you back Annie. I won't mess up, " he says with determination, looking into my brown eyes with a gaze so intense I had to look away.
"Funny, that's what Callum said"

Callum is my ex-boyfriend. We dated for 6 months, broke up once, got back together again until I found out that he had been cheating on me all this time with my friend Bella White. He only dated me to get close with her. Bella moved away but Callum is still here.
I was heart broken for months.

"But I'm not Callum!"
"You're Harvey, the second boy who broke my heart"
I begin to walk away but he pulls me back.
"Then what do I have to do for another chance? "
"This was your other chance".
His face falls.
"Prove to me you've changed"

I turn around and don't look back.


Really sorry! Meeting overran, have to stay at work. Can't pick you up
[sent 4:55pm]

I walk home.

-edited- so this is set during late October when everyone is on half term (holiday) but shhhh it doesn't matter

I go back to school tomorrow and I am not ready. Someone please help me
Other chapters will be longer with the exception of texting scenes so just hang in there
I was supposed to update yesterday but I forgot whoops
Hope you have a nice day my sexy lemurs


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