Chapter 2 -Edited-

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Rejected. He'd been rejected.

"Show me." Despite the argument from the night before, Bucky had seen him the next afternoon anyway after their registration.

"I got in. There's no need." Steve hid the file partly behind himself with a shrug.

"Like hell you did." Bucky had gotten in obviously. He was pretty much soldier material. Tall, strong and loyal. Too damn loyal.

"I did!" Steve said. Or, at least he would. He'd just have to try again. He had six months until Brooklyn soldiers went out anyway, he could make it. Lying would be worth it if it meant he could fight for his country by Bucky's side.

"Pass it over then." Bucky's face showed there was no jokes in that moment. He wanted proof.

"...I will get accepted." Steve mumbled with a dejected look to the ground.

"You liar. Like I said, you aren't a soldier Steve. You're my friend, you're loyal and you're hardworking. You need to be back here so no creepers and wealthy guys that are left behind disturb all the ladies." He patted Steve's shoulder and Steve sighed.

"As much as that idea is appealing, to be a Brooklyn hero, I'd rather die a nameless soldier for my country."

"You aren't going to fight Steve, you've already been rejected. Just stay here, look after your mum." Bucky gave him a side hug as they walked. "She needs you."

"She won't soon." Steve gritted his teeth. "She coughed up some blood at breakfast, Buck."

"Shit... Sorry mate. Don't give up yet, okay?"

"Thanks Bucky." Steve patted Bucky's shoulder blade, breaking their hug. "How's Sally?"

"Already back to skipping through the streets." He chuckled. "Tom won't be a problem anymore."

"Good." Steve gave a meek grin, his hand rubbing his nape.

"You like her, don't you?" Bucky smiled a bit, but felt a strangely sluggish feeling in his chest. He shook it off quickly.

"What? No! I-I don't like girls like Sally. I mean, she's sweet and all but...I like people who can handle their own, you know? It's why I'm friends with you after all. We're close as can be, but we're still our own people." Steve explained.

Bucky's tongue flickered over his bottom lip which was too dry for his liking. He didn't know what to say to that. Steve never did say why he ended up sticking with him. He at first thought it was because he was strong, but he proved that he didn't care about that.

They were close after all. Bucky would fight anyone for Steve, he would die for Steve if it came to it. He'd live for Steve though. That's why being a soldier didn't scare him.

"...You wearing newspaper today? You seem taller." Bucky said instead.

"Oh fuck off." Steve pushed him, barely budging him.

"Ouch, I could have died." He placed a hand on his chest dramatically before a grin crept up his face.

"Next time I'll push you into a river."

"You're so mean to me. I thought I was your best bud?"

"You are. That's why I stick around despite your flaws."

"My flaws? Lies! I'm perfect." He laughed.

"Keep telling yourself that." Steve rolled his eyes as they walked past the giant globe that was being built. "How long till you think they'll finish that?"

"Hopefully before I leave. I wanna go to the opening night after all."

"Ah, yes, you're a Howard Stark nerd. Sometimes I think you're in love with him."

"Gross Steve." Bucky scrunched his nose. "I just like his invention. He's bringing along a new age! He's more then a scientist or inventor, he's a generation of superior technology."

"This is why I think you're in love with him." Steve chuckled.

"I'm in love with his work." Bucky clarified.

"Sure thing." He dismisses with a teasing smile, continuing down the street with Bucky.


Steve had picked another fight in the alley. Some guy had been talking about how soldiers were stupid, uselessly disposed of, and he just couldn't help himself. He had gotten angry partly on Bucky's behalf and cussed the man out. A fist slammed into his stomach as he gasped for air, winded. Pain flared in the area.

"Wanna back-talk again runt?" The older man growled as Steve straightened again.

"You're a coward." He spat and copped a fist to the cheek, making his head snap to the side as he felt the pitter-patter of rain fall on him.

"Watch your mouth kid." He snapped as the rain suddenly pelted. "Shit." He grumbled. "You better back down, or you're gonna get your head smashed into a wall one of these days." He gave him a final punch to the nose before he could block him, waking off as Steve was scrambling up. The man was quick on his feet, because when Steve spared a moment to look down at his bruised stomach, he was gone.

The rain was soaking Steve's clothes, making him shudder. "I should head home..." He mumbled as he used the trash can to help himself up, but ended up tipping it on himself, cursing. "Fuck me."

"Now that's wouldn't be my first thought, but you could ask one of the gals at the tracks." He turned to Bucky who was holding an umbrella over himself, looking at Steve with a 'how do you do it?' look.

"I hate you sometimes." Steve panted softly as he tried to pull himself up with a wince. Not only was he sore, but now he felt like moldy cheese and old fish.

"Sorry I didn't get here sooner, my Steve's-doing-something-stupid sense was belated." Bucky took Steve's arm and hauled him to stand up. "You okay? Your nose is bleeding."

"I'm fine. Can we just go home?" Steve's pride was hurt from losing, even if it happened often. He just wished he could protect Bucky like Bucky protected him sometimes.

"Sure." Bucky held the umbrella over him.

"You're going to get soaked." Steve tried to push it away.

"And you're going to die in this rain, just accept it." Bucky shook his head in astonishment at Steve's stubbornness.

"Then, let's just share." Steve tilted the umbrella upright and stepped closer, arm to arm with Bucky. "Better?" Bucky gave a soft smile and wrapped his arm around Steve's shoulders.

"Better." Bucky held the umbrella over them as they walked, Bucky partly keeping the blond upright. Steve was just happy to be next to something warm. Bucky was like a heat pack 24/7. Steve was skinny, so heat escaped him like steam out of a kettle. "Why did you fight him?" He was knocked out of his thoughts by Bucky's voice.

"What makes you think I started it?"

"You always do. What did he say?" Bucky looked down at him and Steve licked his lips, looking away.

"He said soldiers were stupid. That they were fighting and dying for nothing." Steve said, clenching his jaw in anger.

"He doesn't understand. Don't bother yourself with him, okay Steve?" Bucky gave him a look of sincerity. "Promise me you won't fight guys not worthy your time."

"They're all not worth my time. That's why I fight them though. I don't like bullies." Steve looked up at him with defiance. "So I can't make that promise." They arrived at Steve's apartment.

"Of course. I shouldn't have expected anything different." Bucky laughed, shaking his head in amusement. "Tell your mum I said hi, okay?"

"You aren't coming inside...?" Steve felt slightly disappointed.

"Things to do, ladies to please." Bucky shrugged. "Maybe I'll see you later tonight, or tomorrow."

"Tomorrow. I have to wash the smell of fish off myself." He walked up the stairs, turning back to Bucky. "Bye Buck."

"Till tomorrow Steve." Bucky smiled and started to walk away. Steve watched him for a few moments before turning to his front door and going inside.


Burn Me Slowly With Your Love [40's STUCKY] ~Under Editing~Where stories live. Discover now