Chapter 11

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A/N: I wanted to give it a canon feel, but also keep my characterisation, so I did copy most of the dialogue, tweaking it to my enjoyment. It's not the same, but not too canon-diverging either.

"Boy, a lot of guys getting killed over there." Steve said from behind his newspaper.

"Rogers, Steven." He put his newspaper down, heart pounding. He hoped this was the time he finally got in.

"It kind of makes you think twice about enlisting, huh?" The guy besides him said.

"Nope." Steve smiled and walked over, standing in front of the doctor. Doctor only spared him one glance before looking over his file.

"Rogers. What did your father die of?"

"Gases. I was hoping I could be assigned..." The doctor cut him off.

"Your mother?"

"She died due to illness." Steve chewed on his bottom lip slightly as the doctor looked over the long list of health issues.

"Sorry, son." The doctor sighed.

"Look, just give me a chance." He pleaded.

"You'd be ineligible on your asthma alone." The doctor pointed out, grabbing his stamp.

"Is there anything you can do?" Steve asked desperately. He couldn't be rejected for the fifth time.

"I'm doing it. I'm saving your life." He stamped the card 4F and Steve's heart dropped.


Steve figured a movie would cheer him up since Bucky was busy. A commercial about the war is playing at the moment, so as bitter as he was about being rejected, he was happy that people were still fighting for their country.

"Who cares? Play the movie already!" A loud boy yelled.

"Hey, you wanna show some respect?" Steve said quietly with a light scowl. Ignorant ass.

"Our brave boys are showing the Axis powers that the price freedom is never too high." The advertisement continued.

"Let's go! Get on with it! Hey, just start the cartoon!"

"Hey buddy, you wanna shut up?!" He hissed this time, anger bubbling under his skin. The guy stood up and looked at Steve with a menacing glare. Steve gulped, but didn't back down. That's how he ended up in the back alley of the theatre fighting the loud jerk. Well, more like getting his ass beat really.

"You just don't know when to give up, do you?" He said after punching him a few times. Each time, Steve would get up, even using the trash can lid as a shield at one point.

"I can do this all day." Steve was stumbling a bit as he put his fists up, getting a fist to the stomach with a groan. The loud jerk from the theatre was then punched right across the face.

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size." Bucky said angrily, scaring of the other guy who ran off.

"Sometimes, I think you like getting punched." Bucky offered his hand to Steve, who dismissed it as usual, pulling himself up.

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