Chapter 16

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Steve ran towards the ward and noticed a man fumbling with his things as he ran away. Steve hesitated to follow him, when a voice met his super hearing.

"Sergeant 32557..." A deep voice mumbled. Steve walked into the room, following the voice only to find Bucky strapped down tight against a table in the ward.

"Bucky? Oh, my God." Steve grabbed the restraints, accidentally breaking them instead of undoing them from his worry. Bucky looked tired and dazed, but the flicker of recognition came to his sky blue eyes when they landed on Steve.

"Is that..." He mumbled with dry lips.

"It's me. It's Steve." Steve helped Bucky off the table, slipping an arm around his waist.

"Steve?" He sounded drunk.

"Come on." He placed Bucky's arm around his neck and began walking out of the ward, sparing a glance to the map on the wall. He memories as much as he could.

"Steve." He sounded so happy that it made Steve want to pause and just crush him in a hug. He could do that later though. He dragged Bucky along as he walked.

"I thought you were dead." Relief was evident in his voice.

"I thought you were smaller." Bucky said in confusion. "What happened to you? God, you smell nice."

"I joined the Army." He chuckled. "And thanks. The stubble on you is quite nice." He couldn't believe they were flirting right now of all places, but it made Steve realise that Bucky really was there. Bucky was here, in his arms, alive. He couldn't be happier.

"Did it hurt?"

"A little." Well, it hurt a lot, but it was a distant memory.

"Is it permanent?" That sounded more intrigued then curious to Steve.

"So far." Steve chuckled as they escaped the ward and down the hall ways, Bucky slowly getting enough strength to walk on his own feet.


This was not how Steve wanted to die. This was not how Bucky would die if Steve could say anything about it.

"We have to go across, Buck. Go, now!" The flames were raising higher and Steve was sweating more and more from the heat and anxiety. Bucky licked his dry lips and nodded, slowly going across the thin gantry. Steve watched in fear as the gantry creaked and shook, hoping to do Bucky wouldn't slip when the gantry broke. Bucky dove for the catwalk and turned back to Steve who was still on the other said.

"Shit, no, there's gotta be a rope or something!" Bucky yelled, hands on the bars as his eyes flickered around frantically. Steve watched at the flames only got hotter.

"Just go! Get out of here!" Steve shouted at Bucky desperately. He wasn't going to be the reason for Bucky's death.

"No! Not without you!" Bucky said stubbornly, hand outstretched to him. Steve took a deep breath, idea coming to mind. He took the bars of the cat walk and bent them out of the way, amazing Bucky with his new strength before he backed up as far as possible.

"Out the way Buck!" He barked as he sprinted and jumped off the catwalk, Bucky moving out of the way as he slammed onto the other side, shield protecting him from most of the fall.

"You're a crazy son of a bitch." Bucky laughed despite the situation.

"Well, you're stuck with me." Steve grinned, helping Bucky up and giving him a hard kiss. It was much needed and longed for, linger for a few moments after.

"...We should probably go." Bucky said, slightly breathless.

"Yeah." Steve couldn't help but smile, linking their fingers as they ran for escape.

"You know, it's really weird kissing you now that you're taller then me." Bucky remarked.

"Well, looks like you're going to have to start looking up to me now." Steve joked.

"I always have, Steve."


Steve arrived back with Bucky by his side and about four hundred men behind him. He was overjoyed that he had led a successful mission and saved so many useful soldiers. This is what he had always wanted. A soldier for his country, and here he was, saving his country and allies men. It was even better that Bucky was right by his side to witness this.

"Look who it is!" A soldier yelled as everyone cheered for the new arrivals. Steve spotted Phillips and Peggy, saluting to the older man.

"Some of theres men need medical attention." He announced.

"Medic, we got wounded!" Another called, getting the medical services to help the wounded men.

"I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action." Steve said to Phillips, something Bucky frowned at. What on earth had Steve done to save them? Actually, knowing his Steve, he probably went against all rules and logic just to come save them.

"That won't be necessary." Phillips said, looking even a bit proud.

"Yes, sir." Peggy came up to him and Bucky rose a brow, looking between them.

"You're late." Peggy told Steve. Steve held up a broken transponder with a goofy smile. He was giddy to have everyone safe and Bucky back by his side.

"Couldn't call my ride." He admitted. Bucky looked around and rose his voice.

"Hey! Let's hear it for Captain America!" Cheers erupted and Bucky frowned a bit more. It was just as he thought. They were only in for the selling name, not the Brooklyn kid he knew. That bitterness made Bucky stiff, but when Steve looked at him with that happy gleam in his eye, Bucky couldn't help but smile for his boyfriend.

"You're amazing babydoll." He told Steve, low enough for only them to hear.

"So are you, Buck. And quit calling me that, I'm not a doll anymore."

"You'll always be my doll, Stevie." Bucky smiled at him and Steve returned it, wishing he could kiss him right then and there, but chose to instead give him a tight one armed hug. He could show Bucky how much he missed him later.


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