Chapter 1 -Edited-

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Steve stumbled at the smack to his jaw, his back hitting the fence before he toppled over it, groaning as pain shot through his neck, making it painfully stiff. He didn't stop though, getting up with his fists up, taking as many deep breaths as he could before the fist collided with his chin.

"That'll teach you to try and flirt with my girl punk!" The older boy snapped angrily.

"Tommy, that's enough, I think he understands now." Said girlfriend wrapped her arm around her boyfriends bicep, trying to pull him a good distance from Steve. A fist connected hard against the older boys cheek, knocking him aside.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

"Shit, Barnes..." The boy muttered as he stood again, not bothering to fight Bucky as he stomped off, girlfriend in tow.

"I had him Buck." Steve spat some blood into the grass. He had bit his tongue.

"What's with you and fighting guys you can't compete against?" Bucky offered his hand and Steve dismissed it, standing with a bit of a stumble.

"It's not my fault! The guys a jerk to Sally. He should treat her better." Steve huffed, jaw set firmly in stubbornness. "We should go after the-"

"No. You aren't going nowhere but home. Your mums worried sick. I'll deal with Sally's boyfriend. It's not your fight."

"It's not yours either. You don't even like Sally." Steve glowered at the ground as Bucky threw an arm over his shoulders, leading him back towards Steve's apartment.

"I don't have to. All girls like me." Bucky smirked and Steve rolled his eyes.

"Not all girls. Maria told me she likes Su-" He pierced his lips and looked around awkwardly.

"Who? Oh, come on man, I dated Maria, who does she like now?" Bucky was obviously curious.

"I promised I wouldn't say." Steve shrugged.

"You know, despite never being able to date girls, you seem to make friends with them pretty easily, even if it's small talk. People are calling you a poof, you know?" Bucky said, slightly concern on his face. He normally punched any fucker who did, but he still didn't like the rumor. Steve wasn't into anyone at the moment, that was all. Bucky was sure off that.

"They are?" Steve blinked in surprise. "I didn't think..."

"Yeah, your stature doesn't help either."

"Hey, I'm just as manly as any of you guys." Steve scowled slightly, jabbing his knobby elbow into Bucky's side.

"Woah, woah, keep those weapons away." He joked, rubbing his ribs. "You'll bruise the merchandise."

"It needs polishing anyway."


"Jerk." Steve and Bucky shared a smile and laughed as they went up the stairs to his apartment. "Are you staying for dinner?" Steve asked.

"I'd love to, but mum actually wants me home before the sun's down for once." He ran a hand through his hair and Steve's eyes followed it before going back to Bucky's face.

"Well, I'll tell mum you said hi."

"No need." Sarah said, the door open. "Oh, look at you Stevie, go get the first aid and then we can have dinner. You're also grounded for being late."

"But mum, I was helping Sally-"

"No objections young man."

"Lovely to see you again, Sarah." Bucky chuckled, even though he saw her once almost every week.

Burn Me Slowly With Your Love [40's STUCKY] ~Under Editing~Where stories live. Discover now