Bellatrix Lestrange (Black) x Fem Reader

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A/N: Make sure if you guys want something comment a request for a female character. I can write x male as well if you want me too.
It was your first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You were muggle born. Just a few weeks before you had learned about this amazing place! Life in the muggle world seemed so boring now. As you were lost in your thoughts. You came to your senses when you heard Professor McGonagall call out
You looked up to see the most beautiful girl you had ever seen. But something was off about her. She seemed...insane? She had this weird glint in her eye. You shook it off as just the lighting. The sorting hat was barely on her head for even a second when it yelled "SLYTHERIN"
You were called up next and the sorting hat yelled almost immediately.
Time skip to second year.
You've spent a year at hogwarts and you were beginning another. You haven't thought about Bellatrix except for once when you caught her looking at you in potions class. You thought it was strange and it made you blush. But you just brushed it off. You were walking the grounds during lunch. You decided you needed some fresh air and such. Suddenly you heard crying behind a tree. You followed the sound only to almost trip over Bellatrix causing her to squeak. You regained your stance and looked down at her as she hid her face.
"Are you alright?" You said
"I'm fine! Just leave me alone!!" She half yelled at you.
"I'm sorry for almost tripping over you." You started to walk away.
"If you ever need anything you can just ask me."
You said in a kind tone.
Bellatrix looked up.
"Well. Nobody has been this nice to me before."
She moved over a bit
"Maybe you can sit down for just a little"
You two talked for a bit and you learned that she was scared of her friends. And she felt like she was being dragged into something she didn't wanna be part of.
Soon after a boy came over.
"BELLATRIX! There you are! Get away from that filthy mudblood scum."
He said looking at you with hate in his eyes. Bellatrix slowly got up and left with him but showed a slight smile back at you while walking away. That you giddily returned.

Over the years you and Bellatrix got closer and closer.
One day in your fourth year. You two were in the same place as the first time you met. Eating some treats you got from honeydukes. And then it happened. You two had been talking about crushes and when you asked her who her crush was she looked away blushing (of course you were excited you had always fancied her) . And you decided to make a move for it. You leaned in slowly and took her face in your hand. And kissed her. At first she seemed shocked but slowly she kissed back . You two snogged for a little then sat cuddling next to a tree when she let out a sigh.
"What's wrong Bella?" You asked concerned
"I have to get out of the group of friends I'm in..they're not nice people. They've got do horrible things when they get older."

That was the last you heard her talk about it
You two secretly dated for the rest of your hogwarts career. When one day near the end of the 7th year she came up to you
"(Y/N) we need to talk"
You two went to your special place (the one where you'd met) and sat down.
"We need to take a break" She said tearing up.
"Why?!" You said tearing up as well.
"These people..they...they found out...about need to stay as far away from me as possible for a long time" she said sobbing.
"As you wish.." you said "but one last thing" you kissed her
"Bellatrix Black I have always loved you. Since I first saw you. When this passes. Will you marry me?"
Bellatrix looked up with now happy tears in her eyes "YES" and she hugged you. Then she looked with fear.
"But wh-"
You finally took her advice taking one glance back to see a couple slytherins advancing on the hill as well as some people in dark robes. You ran as fast as you could back to your dorm.

You never spoke to Bella again after that. You became an auror and always looked for signs. When she was found to be a death eater. You were shocked. The screaming insane Bellatrix on the daily prophet wasn't the shy girl you once knew. When the battle of hogwarts came. You were there. Fighting raged all around you. And you looked to your left. There she was. In all her insane beauty. Fighting a ginger haired woman. And then you saw it. As she got hit by the spell. You swore you saw her look at you with regret in her eyes. That wasn't the Bella you just wasn't.

(A/N) WOOOOO THAT WAS SAD anywhoo I'm going to be writing a stranger things x reader book soon so follow me if you like that. ADIOSSSSS

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