Hermione x Fem! Reader (Battle of Hogwarts)

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You opened your eyes. Enjoying the sweet scent Hermione always wore. The memories of yesterday came flooding back to you. The chaos and destruction left you shaken. You were currently wrapped up in a blanket cuddled with your girlfriend of two years Hermione Granger. Safe at last, in the weasley household. Harry and the golden trio decided to lay low for a while. To escape all the newspapers and thankful citizens that came after the battle of hogwarts. You pulled Hermione close to you. This is the first time you had cuddled her in a year. During the dark times Hermione was in hiding with Harry and Ron, searching for the horcruxes. You knew alot of their misson. Hermione would send letter by owl whenever she could. No return address obviously. The fear and anxiety brought on by your love being constantly hunted was slowly receding. And in her arms you finally felt safe fir the first time in a long time. You looked down to see your angel waking up. You both had slept in. It was about 11 am. Hermione opened her eyes and looked at you with love. Softly pulling you in for a good morning kiss.
"Morning my love" you said tenderly
"Morning" grumbled Hermione in her deep morning voice.
You leaned down and kissed her head. Then stroked your fingers over her  wrist. The word muggle was carved into your loves delicate skin. You leant down and kissed her soft skin. The pain and the hurt would not be gone for a while. But now was a time for healing.

Hey guys! I hoped you liked this! Love you all❤

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