Narcissa Malfoy x Fem Reader

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for all the support, I'll try to upload more often. I just got a job at Panera tho so we'll see what I can do.
It was dark and cold. Much like the demeanor of everybody around you. You were in the Malfoy Manor. Surrounded by sinister guests. Death eaters. And you were one of them. Unlike most, You weren't evil. You just got in with the wrong crowd. You watched her dance. Her long crow black robes flowing gracefully as she moved. Narcissa Malfoy. The love of your life, and also your secret lover. You took another sip of your vodka as you painfully watched Lucius eye her up as they danced. You chugged your drink and left the table. A breath of fresh air should calm your nerves. As you walked out onto the porch you took out your pipe, lighting it with your wand and puffing the (favorite color) smoke into the air. It curled and danced, just like her. You felt cold, slender, but loving arms wrap around your waist.
"That's bad for your health you know"
Narcissa said.
"Maybe that's why I like it"
You turned around facing her. Looking into her eyes. She sensed the sadness and maddening jealousy. She leaned her head against your chest as a silent apology. You slowly wrapped your arms around her in a warm embrace. She looked up, beautiful white smile. And pressed her lips against yours desperately searching for the love she was missing in her marriage.
A loud booming voice interrupted
It was Lucius.


jk I'm not that mean

Lucius was raging. He grabbed his wife's arm more like she was a trophy you were stealing. Not a human.
"What do you think you're doing you little slut! Hanging out with this other disgusting whore"
"Lucius! Stop you're hurting me!"
He slapped her.
She fell to the ground hard.
Your mind went blank.
When you finally came to, Lucius was on the ground bleeding from the nose and had cuts and nail marks on him. You saw him run, your mind still recovering. Narcissa pulled you out of it
"(Y/N) we have to run! He's going to get the others"
You two dissaparated somewhere safe 

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