Bellatrix Lestrange (Death eater) x Reader (Death Eater)

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(Sorry for the lack of posts I'm actually in universal rn. It's awesome. But anyway this was requested by @MCookieM)
You solemnly walked toward a dark room to where the Dark Lord, and his death eaters came to plan. You opened the door striding in with valor and you bowed before his darkness.
"I apologize for my tardiness my lord, I was making the potion as you asked"
"Nonsense (Y/N) your skills are needed, you are excused. Come, sit with us" He smiled darkly at you.
You sat next to your loving girlfriend, Bellatrix Lestrange. She smiled sort of in a crazily obsessive way, grasping your hand under the table when you sat down. Naressa Malfoy glanced at you, only to be glared at viciously by your Bella. Talk of the upcoming war began at the table. Subconsciously you wrapped your arm around your girlfriend. Only to look over and see her blush and smile looking at her feet. You laughed at this and continued the plans. Soon the meeting was over and everybody was to return to their own house or inn room. You were about to leave when you felt a tug on your sleeve. As soon as you turned Bella slammed her lips passionately against yours. You grinned into the kiss and and hugged her tight. She was blushing and giggling the whole time. Causing most of the others to look over in shock. Nobody had seen Bellatrix attached and so shy to a person ever before.

Harry Potter Females x Female reader  Where stories live. Discover now