Pansy Parkinson(First Year) x Snobby! Reader (Second Year)

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Requested by @lesbeanfourlife
Pansy POV
It was beautiful. Hogwarts at night. As we slowly rowed in the boats towards the boathouse. The light casted shimmering waves across the water. Like a beautiful spell or something. As we made it to the boat house I got up and out. Running up the stairs and such. Exhilarated to be picked. Of course I was going to be picked into Slytherin. The best house there ever was. We waited outside the great hall and listened to McGonagall blare on about the rules, until finally the doors opened. The great hall was beautiful. We started our trek down the mail aisle to our sort. And I watched carefully the peers I would be joining at the Slytherin table. Then, one girl caught my eye. She had beautiful features such as her (e/c) eyes and soft (s/c) skin. I could feel myself blushing. It must be nothing. Girls can't like girls anyway.
I was staring at all the first years. Snickering with my friends. What a load of mouth breathers (see what I did there ;) ) . I kept snickering till I saw one. She was a beautiful girl. I recognized her a little. I think she was a  Parkinson. Good family name, all pure bloods. I prayed she would be picked into our house. She looked like the perfect little toy.
(Time skip to beginning of next year. You talked and are close friends at this point)
I was watching the first years with my cru- friend! Pansy Parkinson. She's quite beautiful and...I think I'm starting to develop feelings for her.
But I can't have feelings for a girl! So I've started to push her away lately. We were walking back down to the Slytherin dungeons when she stopped me in a corner with nobody else in the area.
"(Y/n) I need to speak to you!"
"What is it Pansy?"
She walked right in front of me glaring me in the eye as I glared right back.
"Spit it out Parkinson"
"You've been avoiding me and you've been very mean lately! I understand that mud bloods deserve that. But I stand with a pure blood family! What have I done?!"
"Pansy you haven't done anything it's ju-"
"Just what (y/n)! Why are you so snobby! To me! I should be the only one you trust! "
Tears brimmed in her eyes as she began to cry
"Why! Why ha-"
You kissed her. You couldn't bear to see those eyes hurt as much as you denied loving her. You were surprised when she suddenly kissed back passionately.
She then pulled back smiling.
"You've been being mean've been crushing on me all this time!"
"No! That's not it I j-"
She kissed you then flicked your forehead. As you opened your mouth shocked.
"Pansy! I swear!"
"Save it for the mudbloods (Y/N) "
She smiled. Blowing you a kiss and walking off as you followed. Defeated for once.

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