Bellatrix x Prisoner Fem!

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Dark days.
You we're entrapped in the Malfoy mansion. You felt weak and faint. Maybe you shouldn't have started that secret broadcast trash talking Voldemort. Laying on the floor, you counted the bricks in the wall for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Until now you hadn't been let out since what could have been a couple days or a month. You lost track of time. You perked up hearing footsteps clicking down the cold stone stairs. Slowly she came into view, Bellatrix Lestrange. You had seen her in the paper a couple times. She opened the door as you sat up.
"Well we'll well if it isn't the filthy animal that disgraced the dark Lord?" She said coming closer.
You stayed silent almost still trying to rebel.
She got close enough and lifted up your chin with the top of her pointer finger, looking into your eyes with a glint of... Wanting?
A backhand slap to the cheek from her brought you back to your senses.
She took a second to calm herself
"Why oh why did a beautiful one like you decide this as your fate Hm?"
You once again stayed silent.
Bellatrix growled almost beast like pushing you hard on the ground then straddling you. She grabbed your face by the chin hard and dug her nails into your cheeks causing them to slightly bleed. She leaned down your ear then slightly traced her tongue around the shell of your ear nibbling softly then sutting back up.
"You''re fucking mad lady"
You finally spoke
She looked you straight in the eye that weird glint back again.
"Might be so, just call me Bella for now~"

Hey guys! Hoped you liked that chapter. I'm going to start updating more frequently if I can. I have a lot of ideas. I'm also newly single so that could be a good thing or a bad thing for this story.

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