Chapter fourteen Jenny's here!

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Mari's pov
Oh my god!
I'm now nine months pregnant and I'm so big.
Jenny will be born any day now and Wes has been panicking like hell.
I've been chatting with Boze and she has been very supportive of me.
I hope she can come down to the hospital to meet Jenny when she's born.
Me and Wes are sitting on the couch, watching a movie with tubs of ice cream.
I've recently been getting a lot of heartburn so I eat cold food to help it.
I even thought that maternity clothes would be annoying but they're actually pretty comfortable.

I even thought that maternity clothes would be annoying but they're actually pretty comfortable

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We've also had our baby shower and I met Wes's parents.
Also I turned nineteen last month and Wes turned nineteen seven months ago.
Being an expectant mother is a huge change to my life and it's gonna get bigger when I actually become a mother.
After two movies and four tubs of ice cream each, we decide to go for a quick walk because I'm getting bored.
We walk around the block and as soon as we get back to my street, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.
I stop walking and groan in pain while holding my stomach.
"Mari! You alright?!" Wes asks, panicking.
I take deep breathes.
"I'm ok now" I reassure him.
Wes doesn't look so sure that I'm ok. As I said before he's been very panicked and hyper.
Wes keeps a close eye on me as we walk back to the house.
When we get back I go into the kitchen to get a drink but the pain hits me again.
My mom's washing dishes and as soon as she heard me groan, she drops the sponge and saucepan she was cleaning, and stands by my side to help me with breathing.
As soon as the pain is gone, my mom does breathing exercises with me and the pain comes back but only worse.
"Mariko! We're getting you to the hospital!" Mom exclaims and calls my dad and Wes to the kitchen.
They reach the kitchen very quickly and my mom tells them that we're going to the hospital because I might be in labour.
They quickly but carefully put me in my dad's car, Wes sits in the backseat with me and drive me to the hospital.
After we arrive at the hospital the nurses take me to a room and give me some drugs to ease the pain.
Not long after I was given the drugs,  my water broke but I didn't feel it.
Wes and my parents are in the room with me as I'm on my phone telling Boze I'm at the hospital, she says that she can't make it right now but she'll be round later.
After a two hour nap and talking to my parents and Wes for an hour, a nurse comes in.
"It's time to start preparing for the delivery" She informs us.
My parents give me hugs and tell me to stay strong and whisper to Wes.
"Take care of her"
The doctors come in and get me ready.
Wes holds my hand and smiles, reassuringly.
As the drugs start to wear off, I take deep breathes then as the pain starts, I start panting.
Contractions come and go but get closer and closer.
"Ok! Now push!" The doctor orders.
I push hard and squeeze Wes's hand but he doesn't seem to mind.
I push more as sweat and tears fall down my face.
It's been an hour, and the more I push the more I feel like I'm being ripped apart.
"I see the head! Just four more pushes!" The doctor tells me.
I push and scream and squeeze Wes's hand with all my strength.
Until the pain starts to ease away.
I crash my head to the pillow, panting and crying when I hear a different crying sound at the end of the bed.
I use my tiniest bit of strength I have left to sit up.
Wes sees me struggling and helps me.
I look at the doctor, to see her lift a tiny, bloody and squirming body into my view.
"Here she is" The doctor announces and cuts the umbilical cord, she then takes her to be cleaned.
Wes lays me back down and I look up at him.
He moves a strand of hair out of my face and smiles at me.
I give him a small smile and slowly reach my hand up to his face and hold my hand on his cheek.
He then turns his head and stands up straight then holds out his arms and holds a white blanket in his arms.
He then leans down to me and shows me what's wrapped in the blanket.
I see the sleeping face of our beautiful baby girl.

Tears of joy stream down my face as I stroke her cheek

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Tears of joy stream down my face as I stroke her cheek.
A nurse then walks over to us.
"She's healthy and has no problems.
What's her name?" He asks.
Wes looks at me then Jenny.
"Jenny Liv Johnson" He says and rocks her a little then hands her to me.
I take Jenny into my arms as the nurse gives Wes a piece of paper.
Must be her birth certificate.
My parents came back in and met Jenny.
After half an hour, I tell them to go home.
They said that they'll be back tomorrow with clothes for me and Jenny, and to take us home.
After they left, I asked Wes if he could get me something to eat.
He did and not long after, the door opened.
"Mari?" A familiar voice calls.
"Hey Boze" I greet as Boze comes into the room.
"Hey girl. How you doing?" She asks me and gives me a hug.
"In pain but I'm good" I tell her.
"So where is the little rascal that I've been waiting to meet?" She asks, excitedly.
I point to the hospital crib that Jenny's sleeping in.
She goes over and quietly awws at her.
She looks back at me and smiles.
"She's beautiful, Mari" Boze comments.
"Thank you" I smile.
The door then opens again.
"Hey babe, I got you some pasta" Wes says and hands me my food.
"Thanks baby" I say and kiss his cheek.
"Hey, you must be Wes" Boze greets him.
"Hey, you're...." He trails off.
"Boze" She states.
"Right. Right" Wes says.
While I eat my food, me, Wes and Boze talk for a little bit then Boze says she has to go.
We say bye and I give her a hug and she leaves.
I stand up for the first time in hours to check on Jenny because she started crying.
I smell her to realise she needs changing, I change her diaper but when I turn around I see something unexpected.

Guess what it is.

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