Chapter Eighteen Explanations

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Joven's pov
Sohinki and I are in the Game Bang room, discussing a new video we could do but all I could think about was Mari.
When I met her yesterday, she seemed so kind and beautiful.
She's amazing, she loves video games and dancing and she's just so beautiful.
"Joven! Are you listening?!" Sohinki yells.
He sighs, annoyed then I hear the door open.
We turn around to see Mari, still looking beautiful but I'm confused to why she's holding a baby.
A tall guy then walks in.
I stand shocked at seeing the one person who I never thought I'd see again.
"Hey guys, this is..." Mari tries to introduce us but I cut her off.
"Joven?" He says, shocked and confused.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Mari asks, confused.
"Yeah, we were roommates in college" Wes tells her.
"Long time no see, man" I state and cross my arms.
"Almost two years" He replies.
"Wait a second, I want to know why you all know each other" Sohinki says.
"Joven and I met in college and became roommates. Mari and I also met in college and now we're married" Wes says.
What?! Mari and him met at college! Not to mention that they're married! Then that baby, Mari's holding must be theirs. But she looks at least a year old. Wait. Oh my god!
Sohinki then says something but I don't hear him.
"Time out! You married Mari?!" I yell.
Wes nods and the baby starts crying, Mari tries calming her down and walks out of the room.
"Wes I want an explanation" I tell him.
He sighs.
"Joven, you remember in college that there was a girl I met and started dating her?" He asks.
"And let me guess. Mari was that girl?" I ask, sarcastically because I already knew the answer.
"Yes, and that party we went to and got really drunk then slept together. You said that, that would have been the biggest mistake of my life" Wes says, starting to get angry.
"Because I bet you it was" I challenge.
"Two months after, Mari told me she was pregnant" He states.
"And I can tell that that's what caused her to leave" I reply.
"Wow! Seriously dude? That's what you did in college?" Sohinki asks Wes, seemingly impressed.
I forgot he was still in the room with us.
"Not to mention you abandoned me!" I shout.
"I had to leave Joven! Mari and Jenny needed me!" Wes shouts back.
"Who the fuck is Jenny?" I shout again.
"My DAUGHTER!!!" He shouts really loud, causing Ian, Anthony, Lasercorn and Mari to rush in.
"What's going on?" Ian asks.
Wes then starts wheezing and looks like he's struggling to breathe.
Mari sits him down on one of the chairs, gets what looks like an inhaler out of her bag and forces it into his mouth.
"One, two, three, four" She counts and takes the inhaler from his mouth.
Wes starts coughing and tries to catch his breath.
"Baby. Baby look at me. In and out. In and out" Mari tells him.
He does what she says and finally calms down.
The whole time that was going on me and the others were Staring at the scene in shock, worry and a bit frightened.
"Thanks baby" Wes says and kisses her.
Mari then looks at me with an angry expression.
"What happened?" She asks in a demanding way.
I explain to her the argument we had.
"Well then, you two should talk better. You two are gonna stay in here and talk like real men while the rest of us leave" Mari tells us.
The other guys agreed to it and so did me and Wes.
Wes and Mari kiss each other then she and the guys leave the room, closing the door.
"Soooo...How you been?" I ask, awkwardly.
"Pretty good. Had a baby, got married and getting a job here" Wes replies.
"Oh cool. I graduated college, became a part time paranormal investigator and started working here" I tell him.
We stand in awkward silence for about five minutes when Wes sighs.
"Joven. I didn't abandon you. You probably won't understand but I had a family to take care of" He explains.
"No man, I'm sorry but I may as well say it. When we were in college and you said that you had a girlfriend and had sex with her, I was jealous and I still am" I inform him.
"Of what?" He asks.
"Of you! You got a girl and did it with her, and I was still single. And now you show up with a wife and a kid and I'm still single!" I exclaim.
"Joven, I can't control what happens in your life but you might get that soon" Wes says.
"I know Wes but I can't help it" I sigh.
"Well is there a way I can make it up to you?" He asks.
I look at him and smile.
"Can I see baby pictures?"
Wes smiles and gets out his phone and shows me pictures of his daughter.
He shows me ultrasound pictures, even some pictures of Mari when she was pregnant, picture of the day she was born, her first smile, sleeping, them at a park, her standing up while holding onto a couch and pictures of her first birthday.
"Wow! You seem to have a great life" I comment, smiling.
"Yeah, I do" Wes replies also smiling.
"So do you think we can start over? And be friendly coworkers?" I ask, hopefully.
"Sure" He replies and we high five.
Just like old times.
We walk out the Game Bang room and go to the break room to see everyone else in there.
"So you guys ok now?" Lasercorn asks.
"Yeah, we're good" I smile.
Wes walks over to Mari who's sat on the couch with their baby, he picks up the baby and sits her on his lap while he sits next to Mari.
They smile at each other and behave like a happy and loving married couple and play with their daughter.
I'm still mad that Wes didn't tell me about Mari and I can't help but feel jealous.
I know I should try to get over it and move on but it's so hard.

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