Chapter twenty four Jealous ex

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Mari's pov
It's been two days since Wes and Flitz became part of Smosh games and for some reason it's been really hot, so because it's a hot day and our day off, we're taking Jenny to the beach.
Now that Jenny's a little older, she can build sandcastles and play in the water.
I'm sat on my beach towel, reading a magazine while Wes took Jenny to get ice cream.
"Well. Well. Well. What have we here?" I hear a familiar voice say.
I look up to see someone who I never wanted to see ever again.
"Peter?!" I question, shocked and angry to see his little bitch face.
"Hello again Mari" He greets, smiling mischievously.
Peter and I use to date in high school but he stopped spending time with me and I later on caught him cheating on me with a cheerleader.
I wanted to slap him so hard to wipe that stupid smile off his fucking face.
"What the hell do you want?" I hiss.
"Hey be cool Mar. I just happened to be walking along the beach and I recognised you" He replies, still smiling.
I had a feeling he was actually stalking me.
"Well now you've said hello. Get the fuck away from me" I spat.
"Not so fast babe" I feel like I'm gonna puke.
"I see you're here all alone and I'm here to get you back" He states, sitting down next to me.
I move away from him.
"Well I'm afraid you're too late Peter. I have a new man. And he's SO much better than you. He actually loves and cares about me like I do for him" I argue, proudly.
Oh Wes! Where are you? I need you here now!
"Don't lie to me Mari" He says, starting to get annoyed.
"What's going on here?" I hear my savior ask.
I smile and turn my head to see Wes walking up with two ice creams in his hands and Jenny right beside him with strawberry ice cream around her mouth.
"Hi Sweetie" I greet, standing up and walking over to him.
I smile, smugly at Peter while he looks shocked and jealous.
"Mari. Who. The. FUCK. Is that?" Peter asks, really angry.
"First of all, watch your language around a two year old! And secondly, this is my husband" I inform him.
Peters' face is so red and you can almost see steam coming out of his ears.
"What?!" He shouts.
"Mari, who is this asshole?" Wes asks, looking annoyed at Peter.
"Sorry baby, this is my ex Peter. We dated in high school. Till I found him CHEATING ON ME!" I scream.
"That was in the past Mari and you will come back to me" Peter says, darkly while coming closer to us.
"I don't need you anymore you dumb son of a bitch! I have a husband and a daughter in my life now. You were thrown out of my life when you cheated on me!" I exclaim and hold Jenny in my arms.
Peter just gets closer untill Wes steps in front of me and punches Peter in the face.
I look at Wes in a bit of shock and gratitude and stand next to him, holding his arm and Jenny while looking angrily at Peter as he kneels on the floor holding his nose.
He takes his hands away from his face to see he has a bruised cheek and a broken nose.
"Come near my wife again and I'll break your neck" Wes threatens him.
I've never seen this side of Wes before but even really sweet people with big hearts like Wes have protective, threatening sides.
Peter looks at Wes with burning hatred and walks away.
I look at Wes's right hand which he used to punch him and see it's bleeding a little.
"Honey, your hand!" I exclaim, worried.
"I'm fine" Wes states with no emotion in his voice.
I look up at him, he's staring off into the direction Peter went.
He then balls his hands into fists.
He's starting to scare me now.
I hold Jenny's head to my chest and shuffle away from Wes with tears in my eyes.
"Baby?" I whimper.
Wes looks at me and when he sees how scared I am, his expression quickly changed from anger and hate to sorrow and regret.
"Mari? Honey, I am so sorry. I really didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to show that jerk not to mess with us" He explains, tears forming in his eyes.
"I...I've seen y...ou like th...that before" I stutter, tears rolling down my face.
"I know and.... I'm truly sorry" He apologies and opens his arms for a hug.
I hesitate but slowly and cautiously walk towards him.
Once I'm close enough to Wes he wraps his arms around me, I flinch but relax when I recognise my husband's soft embrace.
I wrap my left arm around him because I'm still holding Jenny with my right arm.
I sob into his chest and feel him stroke my hair to comfort me.
We stay like that for a good five minutes and pull away.
"Can we go home now please?" I ask and wipe away a tear.
"Yeah, I think that's the best thing to do now" Wes replies.
We walk back to the car and drive home.
When we get home, I give Jenny a bath then put her pjs on and let her play with her toys in her room while Wes and I take a bath then we put on our pjs and watch Doctor who while Jenny plays in her room.
It's been a scary experience today.
Peter ruined our family day out!
I actually hope he doesn't come get my family because he'll have me and Wes to deal with.

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