Chapter 27:

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Chapter 27:

Somewhere in the middle of the night, I end up putting the fire out, and going up stairs to bed.

I think it's morning? I'm running, but from what? I turn to look and see Gale. Then Bing. Then behind them Katniss. But behind Katniss, is what scares me the most. A giant pack of Mutts! Maybe twenty or so, all running after me! I turn back around, trying to figure out why they haven't caught me yet? I turn to see that Gale and Bing are both gone. Katniss is still there, but half the Mutts have dissapeard. I don't even know where I'm running though. It almost looks like the arena. It is! The seal suddenly shows up in the sky! Suddnely something grabs my leg, sending a burning pain shooting up it! I fall to the ground, and turn to see Katniss....

I wake, tears rolling down my face. I'm sweating like crazy! It's morning now. I look down and see Katniss in my arms, snuggled up, grabbing to me. She then pops awake, looking up at me first. "Ohh, Peeta! You're finally awake!" She exclaims. I don't know why she's in here? I thought she was mad at me?
"Why are you in here?" I ask her. "Last night I heard you crying and screaming. So I came in here to hold you." She says grabbing my fingers into hers. "oh.." Is all I can say. "Peeta? How come I never know when you have nightmares?" She asks me. "Because I don't need you to comfort me. And I can usually get over them pretty fast." I tell her, lying straight to her face, when really I have them all of the time, and I want her in here with me, to snuggle with me. "Why don't you wake me then? I wake you all the time with my nightmares, you could at least do the same for me? I want to help you like you helped me!" She says, getting tenser as she speaks.
"Katniss? Now don't lie to me, because we promised each other we'd tell each other everything. Do you still have feelings for Gale?" I ask her, as she gets tense again.

She hesitates, "Why do you need to know this, Peeta?" She yells, getting up out of the bed and leaves the room. I just throw my head back onto the pillow, and get out of bed, following her. She's down by the door, staring out the window, "I'm trapped. Everywhere I go I'll always be trapped. The Hunger Games. Snow. The Quell. This house! The train! I'm trapped and I will never get away from this nightmare, ever!" She says, still staring out the window. I go over to the kitchen and grab two cups of hot chocolate. Handing one to her.

"I can help you if you'll let me! I Love You Katniss! And nothings ever gonna change that!" I tell her dropping both mugs to floor, and grabbing her hands.


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